Stabroek News

Displaced vendors storm City Council offices to have concerns addressed


On Tuesday, vendors from across Georgetown stormed the offices of the Mayor and City Council (M&CC) on Charlotte Street, Georgetown and demanded to have their concerns addressed citing an alleged secret meeting between a select few vendors and the

Town Clerk. As such, the disgruntle­d vendors felt excluded and wanted their voices heard.

The gathering was addressed by Deputy Mayor Denise Miller, who sought to calm the situation. She pleaded with the crowd to give her a maximum of two weeks to address their concerns at the upcoming statutory meeting. Miller assured the vendors that their issues would be given the attention they deserved.

The food vendors, in particular, expressed their frustratio­n and dismay. Many of them had been put out of business due to a clearance operation in the Stabroek Market area near Demico House. This sudden action left them with significan­t losses, including wasted food they had prepared for sale. The vendors explained that this disruption not only impacted their immediate earnings but also threatened their long-term livelihood.

Miller listened to their grievances and proposed a structured approach to addressing their concerns. She informed the vendors that they would be categorise­d into specific groups such as dry goods, food, and drink vendors, based on their issues. This way, the City Council could facilitate focused meetings with each group to understand and resolve their problems more effectivel­y. The deputy mayor’s plan aimed to ensure that all vendors had the opportunit­y to present their concerns and receive appropriat­e solutions.

Meanwhile, Miller urged the vendors to remain patient and cooperativ­e, emphasisin­g that their issues were being taken seriously and would be addressed comprehens­ively at the forthcomin­g statutory meeting. She reassured them that their livelihood­s were important to the council and that steps would be taken to rectify the situation as soon as possible.

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