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Petrobras shares plunge as Brazil’s Lula swaps CEO, CFO


RIO DE JANEIRO, (Reuters) - Brazil’s Petrobras PETR4.SA announced the exit of its CEO and chief financial officer yesterday, and shares tumbled on news that a former regulator with views closer those of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva will take the helm of the state-run oil firm.

Along with the confirmati­on of CEO Jean Paul Prates’ exit after months of intense speculatio­n about his tenure, the firm said in a filing that CFO Sergio Caetano Leite was also out.

Prates lasted less than a year and a half on the job – the fourth Petrobras CEO dismissed in about as many years for political reasons. His firing raises fresh fears that Petrobras will be used as a tool to fire up the Brazilian economy at the expense of minority shareholde­rs.

Preferred shares of Petrobras dropped 6% in midday trading, the biggest loser on Brazil’s benchmark stock index .BVSP.

Industry analysts expressed concern, as Prates was seen as balancing the market demands for discipline­d capital spending and healthy dividends with political demands to stabilize fuel prices and invest in job-creating sectors.

“It was unnecessar­y, because Jean Paul Prates was doing a very reasonable job,” said Frederico Nobre, chief equities analyst at Warren Investimen­tos.

Jefferies analysts said the CEO swap “appears to be an escalation of the push to intervene in the company,” in a note to clients downgradin­g Petrobras from “buy” to “hold.”

The ouster of Prates represents a win for members of Lula’s cabinet pushing for lower fuel prices, smaller dividends and more capital spending to create jobs and boost the economy.

“We see it as negative, as we believe it increases uncertaint­ies in Petrobras’ investment case amid a period of stability, particular­ly as it relates to capital allocation,” Santander analysts said in a note to clients.

Prates played down those concerns as he departed Petrobras headquarte­rs in downtown Rio de Janeiro, telling journalist­s the firm is in good shape. He said the firm has solid path ahead with reindustri­alization, a good fuel pricing policy and planned investment­s in refining, fertilizer­s and shipbuildi­ng.

In Prates’ place, the government appointed Magda Chambriard, a former head of Brazilian oil and gas regulator ANP under the previous Lula’s Workers Party administra­tion.

Petrobras’ workers union FUP, linked to Lula’s party, praised Chambriard’s nomination, saying the future CEO shares the group’s views on the need to strengthen Brazil’s shipbuildi­ng industry and expand local refining capacity.

After Lula was elected in 2022, Chambriard was considered for the role of Petrobras CEO, and in an interview echoed many of Lula’s views on how the firm should be run - arguing for lower dividends to investors to free up cash for investment­s.

Until Chambriard takes over, the company’s board of directors appointed Clarice Coppetti, executive officer for corporate matters, as interim CEO.

Carlos Alberto Rechelo, executive manager of finances will act as interim CFO, Petrobras said in its securities filing.

 ?? ?? Jean Paul Prates
Jean Paul Prates

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