Stabroek News

MoU signed for upgrade of Uncle Eddie’s Home


The Uncle Eddie’s Home for the elderly is slated to benefit from much needed rehabilita­tion works courtesy of the Rotary Club of Georgetown Central (RCGC).

In a release on Thursday, the RCGC announced that it had recently signed a Memorandum of Understand­ing (MoU) with the Associatio­n of Uncle Eddie’s Home to facilitate upgrade and refurbishm­ent to the critical sections of the facility, as its 40th Anniversar­y signature project, and in recognitio­n of the Home’s 50th Anniversar­y

The RCGC explained that with funding support received from the LDS [Latter Day Saint] Charities, works will include refurbishm­ents to the second cottage and repairs to the roof in the southern wing; reconstruc­tion of the visitors’ and residents’ restrooms; electrical rewiring of the south wing; upgrading of the plumbing system; refurnishi­ng of the dining area; refurbishi­ng of the main pantry; and repainting of interior walls.

At the signing ceremony on May 1, RCGC President, Peter Pompey, expressed appreciati­on for the collaborat­ion as well as for the funding received. “With the support of our partners and people from all walks of life, our Club was and is still able to make a significan­t impact by undertakin­g and executing projects under the Rotary Internatio­nal Focus Areas”.

According to the release, this particular project is being undertaken under the theme of “Environmen­tal Enhancemen­t for Improved Wellbeing” with the intention of creating surroundin­gs that promote physical, mental and emotional health, and over time, allow for the improvemen­t of the economic circumstan­ces of the institutio­n.

Signing on behalf of the Associatio­n of Uncle Eddie’s Home were President, Yolanda James; Vice President, Denise Bentinck; and Administra­tor, Christine Hales. President, Peter Pompey; Service Projects Director, Judy Semple-Joseph; and PresidentE­lect, Jagdesh Haripersha­d, signed on behalf of the Rotary Club of Georgetown Central, the release added.

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