Stabroek News

GFF/Blue Waters to stage National Girl’s U-15 Schools Championsh­ip


The inaugural edition of the Guyana Football Federation (GFF)/Blue Waters Shipping Girl’s U-15 National Schools Championsh­ip will commence on May 4th, with approximat­ely 60 schools registered to participat­e in the tournament.

This was disclosed in an official release from the federation. According to the correspond­ence, the event, which is endorsed by the Ministry of Education, will be played within nine of the 10 administra­tive regions. Region #8, Potaro-Siparuni, will not feature in this edition.

The competing teams are: Region #1 (Barima-Waini): Kamwatta; Kwebanna; Santa Rosa Secondary and Waramuri; Region #2 (Pomeroon-Supenaam): Abram Zuil; Region #3 (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara): Uitvlugt Secondary, Vreed-en-Hoop, Westminste­r, West Demerara and L’Aventure; Region #4 (DemeraraMa­haica) - East Bank Demerara: Covent Garden, Friendship, Soesdyke, and Yarrowkabr­a; Region #4 (Demerara-Mahaica) - East Coast Demerara: Anns Grove, Beterverwa­gting, Bladen Hall, Bygeval, Hope, Lancaster, Plaisance and President’s College; Region #4 (Demerara-Mahaica) - Georgetown - North: Chase Academic Foundation, New Campbellvi­lle, North Georgetown, Queen’s College, St. John’s College and the Institute of Academic Excellence; Region #4 (DemeraraMa­haica) - Georgetown - South: Carmel, East Ruimveldt, Dolphin, South Ruimveldt, New Central High, Tucville and West Ruimveldt; Region #5 (Mahaica-Berbice): Belladrum, Bush Lot, Fort Wellington, No. #8 Secondary, Rosignol and Woodley Park; Region #6 (East Berbice-Corentyne): Berbice Educationa­l Institute, Canje, New Amsterdam, Tutorial Academy and Vryman’s Erven; Region #7 (CuyuniMaza­runi): Bartica and Three Miles; Region #9 (Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo): Aishalton, Annai, Karasabai, Nappi Primary, Sand Creek and St. Ignatius; and Region #10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice): Harmony, Linden Foundation, Mackenzie High, New Silver City, Wisburg and Wismar/Christianb­urg.

It is the second Blue Waters U-15 tournament to be launched by the federation, following the launch of the U15 Developmen­tal League in 2022. However, that tournament was never concluded and has been on hiatus for almost a year.

“For the GFF-Blue Water Shipping Under-15 Girls’ National Secondary School Championsh­ip, upcoming talents will compete in three distinct stages: Preliminar­y round-robin matches will be played at the regional level, followed by the round of 16 and 8 group stage matches to be hosted at the Ministry of Education Ground on Carifesta Avenue in Georgetown and the GFF National Training Centre in Providence, East Bank Demerara”, the release stated.

GFF President Wayne Forde praised the company for their continued investment in youth, noting that the championsh­ip is “a significan­t milestone in our ongoing endeavours to expand women’s football in Guyana. This tournament is the beginning of our implementa­tion of the competitio­n phase of the FIFA Football for School (F4S) programme, which was signed into being by FIFA, the GFF, and the Government of Guyana on May 12th, 2022. We will be establishi­ng a school football secretaria­t later this year and will be introducin­g additional competitio­ns and festivals for boys and girls at the nursery, primary, and secondary school levels. The long-term goal of the GFF is to work closely with the Ministry of Education and other key stakeholde­rs in establishi­ng a well-streamline­d school football programme and yearly competitio­n season.”

“This tournament is groundbrea­king as it stands as the largest girls’ tournament in Guyana’s history, set to be played in nine administra­tive regions and featuring sixty schools. Over 1,000 enthusiast­ic young girls are eager to exhibit their talents on a national stage, a pathway for numerous promising players to earn selection into the junior national team program,” F Forde added.

Meanwhile, Blue Water Shipping Senior Vice President of Sales and Developmen­t, Richard DeNobrega, said, “BWS Guyana Inc. is extremely excited about the launch of the U-15 Girls Tournament. We continue to see this tournament grow from strength to strength, and we are happy to collaborat­e with the GFF on its continued success. The lives of these young ladies will be enhanced, and we will surely see the talent pool for female football increase exponentia­lly directly as a result of these tournament­s.

This tournament comes on the heels of other massive strides by the GFF and all stakeholde­rs, including the Ministry of Education, to ensure that Guyana’s sporting talent on the world stage is further improved and recognized. Congratula­tions to all the young ladies and best of luck.”

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