Stabroek News Sunday

Grade Six Social Studies

- Hello Boys and Girls!

Welcome to Grade Six. Grade Six is an amazing and interestin­g class as it’s the last class in your primary education. Many children experience anxiety during this class and can become overwhelme­d by the pressure of gaining a spot at a senior secondary school. This column is intended to supplement your classroom instructio­n and help you navigate the content that must be covered during grade six so that you would be better prepared for NGSA.

Remember at the Grade Six level you are expected to be very focused, think critically, read, and pay keen attention to what you are taught. You must take some time to play but remember too much play makes Jack a dull boy!

In today’s lesson are going to examine the topic “Understand­ing the Global Environmen­t.” Specially, we are going to:

1) Discuss the concept compositio­n. 2) Describe the compositio­n of the earth. 3) Examine the oceans of the world. 4) Explore the Continents of the world.


What is the compositio­n of the world?

Our world is spherical in shape. The earth is made up of land masses, oceans, and seas.

The structure of the earth is divided into four major components: the crust, the mantle, the outer core, and the inner core. Each layer has a unique chemical compositio­n, physical state, and can impact life on Earth's surface.

Oceans Of The World

An ocean is a very large area of salt water. Most of the Earth is covered in ocean.

There are five oceans in the world: 1) Pacific Ocean 2) Atlantic Ocean 3) Indian Ocean 4) Southern Ocean 5) Arctic Ocean

Pacific Occean

The Pacific Ocean is the biggest ocean in the world. It reaches from North and South America to Asia and Australia. The Pacific Ocean is surrounded by a line of volcanoes known as the Ring of Fire. It is also home to the Great Barrier Reef, which is the largest coral reef in the world.

The Atlantic Ocean

The Atlantic Ocean is the second biggest ocean in the world. It reaches from North and South America to Europe and Africa.

The Atlantic Ocean is huge, but only half the size of the Pacific Ocean. The Mid-Atlantic the longest mountain range in the world, is underwater in the Atlantic Ocean.

Did You Know…? The first person to sail across the Atlantic Ocean from Europe to America was Leif Eriksson, a Viking, in the year 1000.

Indian Ocean

The Indian Ocean is the third biggest ocean in the world. It is named after the country of India. The Indian Ocean is home to many endangered sea creatures, including turtles, seals, and dugongs (also known as sea cows).

Southern Ocean

The Southern Ocean is the second smallest ocean in the world.

It is also known as the Antarctic Ocean as it surrounds Antarctica.

It is the coldest and wildest ocean in the world. The Southern Ocean is home to emperor penguins, blue whales, elephant seals, giant squid, and the wandering albatross.

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 ?? ?? Deep: The deepest point on Earth, is in the Pacific Ocean Did You Know…? The word ‘Pacific’ means peaceful.
Deep: The deepest point on Earth, is in the Pacific Ocean Did You Know…? The word ‘Pacific’ means peaceful. Challenger
 ?? ?? By Ulanie Prass-Akinde
By Ulanie Prass-Akinde
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