Stabroek News Sunday



Play your carnival, play your masque, Dance with your Country Club set, Hey, jump at your midnight fete:

For these things I’ll never ask –

Take them all and leave for me

The back-yard scene at dusk:

The haze of blue wood-smoke, Morning mist among mango leaves And the nancy-story fantasies

That the cries of kiskadees

From long, long ago evoke.

Keep your calypsos and your steel-bands! Wiggle your hips and waggle your hands!

For me the good soft tingling dew

And mottled shadows beneath a guava tree, The glimmer, the dim mysterious hue, Of coconut fronds spider hands

Immobile, immeshed in the filigree,

The plaited pattern, of sarapple and plum, Breadfruit and mango – and the perpetual hum Of all the insects hidden in jumbie-lands:

The magic a waning moon can weave; set free.

Let the saxaphones quark and wail!

And pianos thump a jiving jumbled tale! For me the ruby warmth in sunshine,

The haphazard tracery of this wild vine, Coconuts a-sizzling,

Water vapour in the air,

A rerd cock crowing, the clatter of a pail, The swift white drift

Of clouds in the cool trade wind,

A whiff of rice and salt-fish cooking

And of earth, dark, dank and bare.

Keep your serge suit, collar and tie! Asparagus, lentils, your high-falutin apple pie! Keep your respectabi­lity; I don’t care!

For me the sun, the dew, the leaves, the wind – And why should I even spurn

These little ragged clumps of fern

And the rickety latrine standing near

The old grey-trunked tamarind!

Assuredly for me – the naïve back-yard

Where bajak ants, without hypocrisy, troop by And no gentlemen politely smile and lie.

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