Stabroek News Sunday

UK, US spy chiefs call for 'staying the course' on Ukraine


LONDON, (Reuters) - The heads of the U.S. CIA and Britain's spy service said in an op-ed yesterday that "staying the course" in backing Ukraine's fight against Russia was more important than ever and they vowed to further their cooperatio­n there and on other challenges.

The op-ed in the Financial Times by CIA Director William Burns and Richard Moore, chief of the Secret Intelligen­ce Service, was the first ever jointly authored by heads of their agencies.

"The partnershi­p lies at the beating heart of the special relationsh­ip between our countries," they wrote, noting that their services marked 75 years of partnershi­p two years ago.

The agencies "stand together in resisting an assertive Russia and (Russian President Vladimir) Putin's war of aggression against Ukraine," they said.

"Staying the course (in Ukraine) is more vital than ever. Putin will not succeed in extinguish­ing Ukraine's sovereignt­y and independen­ce," they said, adding their agencies would continue aiding Ukrainian intelligen­ce.

Russian forces have been slowly advancing in eastern Ukraine, Ukrainian troops have been occupying a large swath of Russia's Kursk region and Kyiv has been pleading for more U.S. and Western air defenses.

The spy chiefs said their agencies would keep working to thwart a

"reckless campaign of sabotage across Europe by Russian intelligen­ce" and its "cynical use of technology" to spread disinforma­tion "to drive wedges between us."

Russia has denied pursuing sabotage and disinforma­tion campaigns against the U.S. and other Western countries.

 ?? ?? Richard Moore
Richard Moore

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