Stabroek News Sunday

Still no update on Queen’s College flogging incident

-Chief Education Officer says he was advised not to engage with press


The authoritie­s are still mum regarding the Queen’s College flogging incident that occurred on May 16.

The new school year is to commence tomorrow and up to now no informatio­n has been provided on the status of the recommenda­tions submitted to the Ministry of Education by the Queen’s College Board of Governors.

The Sunday Stabroek reached out yesterday to Chief Education Officer Saddam Hussain seeking an update. However, when contacted for comment, Hussain declined to provide any informatio­n. “No comment to the press. I was advised by the public service not to engage with the press, so no comment,” Hussain stated before hanging up the phone. Efforts to reach the head of the Queen’s College Board, Marcel Gaskin were unsuccessf­ul,

The incident in question involved a senior teacher at Queen’s College who allegedly forced 10 students to unbelt their trousers and then beat them with the belts. This incident, which sparked outrage online, caught the attention of ChildLinK, an organisati­on dedicated to children’s rights and protection. ChildLinK has strongly condemned the use of corporal punishment, asserting that such practices have no place in a modern and progressiv­e society like Guyana. The organisati­on has called on the Ministry of Education to adopt a more proactive

approach in eliminatin­g what it describes as “dehumanizi­ng behaviour” from its policies.

In June, the Queen’s College Board submitted recommenda­tions to the Ministry of Education regarding the incident. At that time, Hussain assured that an update on the ministry’s decision would be forthcomin­g. However, to date, no decisions have been made public, and the promised update is yet to be provided.

 ?? ?? Saddam Hussain
Saddam Hussain

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