Stabroek News Sunday

UNICEF issues emergency tender to secure mpox vaccines


(Reuters) - The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has issued an emergency tender to secure mpox vaccines for crisis-hit countries in collaborat­ion with the Gavi vaccine alliance, Africa CDC and the World Health Organizati­on, the organizati­ons said in a joint statement on Saturday.

Depending on the production capacity of manufactur­ers, agreements for up to 12 million doses through 2025 can be made, according to the statement.

Under the tender, UNICEF will set up conditiona­l supply agreements with vaccine manufactur­ers, the statement said.

This will enable UNICEF to purchase and ship vaccines without delay, once financing, demand, readiness and regulatory requiremen­ts are confirmed.

The collaborat­ion - which would also include working with the Vaccine Alliance and the Pan American Health Organizati­on as well as with Gavi, the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and WHO - would facilitate donations of vaccines from existing stockpiles in highincome countries.

The statement added that WHO is reviewing informatio­n submitted by manufactur­ers on Aug. 23, and expects to complete a review for an emergency use listing by mid-September.

The agency is reviewing applicatio­ns for emergency licences for two vaccines made by Bavarian Nordic BAVA.CO and Japan’s KM Biologics.

Earlier in August, the WHO declared mpox a global public health emergency following an outbreak of the viral infection in the Democratic Republic of Congo that spread to neighbouri­ng countries.

More than 18,000 suspected cases of mpox have been reported in Congo so far this year with 629 deaths, while over 150 cases have been confirmed in Burundi, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu­s said.

Sweden and Thailand have confirmed cases of the clade Ib type of the virus, outside of the Democratic Republic of Congo and neighborin­g countries.

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