Stabroek News Sunday

Laboratory profession­als meet to discuss strengthen­ing networks across the Caribbean


The Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) recently held a hybrid meeting of the Caribbean Public Health Laboratory Network (CariPHLN), at the Hyatt Regency, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, a CARPHA release stated on Thursday.

The meeting which took place from 12 to 13 August was jointly funded by the Republic of Korea through the Republic of Korea-CARICOM Cooperatio­n Fund, and the European Union (EU), brought together national laboratory directors and managers, and other laboratory personnel from fifteen CARPHA Member States.

According to the release, it aimed to review laboratory portfolios of CARPHA Member States (CMS) to evaluate incountry capacities, needs and gaps; discuss the developmen­t of regional laboratory hubs and a framework for integratin­g advanced diagnostic technologi­es and methodolog­ies for reference testing.

Acting Director of Surveillan­ce, Disease Prevention and Control at CARPHA, Dr Horace Cox, welcomed participan­ts. “This meeting is critical in our ongoing efforts to strengthen laboratory networks across the Region. By bringing together laboratory profession­als from CARPHA Member States we are not only addressing current challenges but also laying the foundation for a more resilient and responsive public health infrastruc­ture.”

A significan­t outcome of the meeting was the establishm­ent of Technical

Advisory Groups (TAGs) focusing on the following on key areas: Antimicrob­ial Resistance Testing, Sample Transporta­tion, Food and Environmen­t, as well as Genomic Expansion and Surveillan­ce.

Laboratory Manager and Officer-inCharge of Laboratory Services and Networks at CARPHA, Dr SueMin Nathaniel, stated that this was a critical step towards achieving greater collaborat­ion, efficiency, and impact in laboratory services. “The formation of the TAGs represents a commitment to providing expert guidance, supporting informed policymaki­ng, promoting innovation and quality assurance, building capacity, engaging stakeholde­rs, enhance crisis response, and ensure transparen­cy and accountabi­lity.”

Other key outcomes of the meeting included the revision of the CariPHLN organisati­onal chart, updates on improved CMS laboratory capacities and the identifica­tion of key CMS to serve as laboratory hubs to assist in regional testing.

The Caribbean Public Health Laboratory Network (CariPHLN) is a specialise­d network establishe­d in 2015 which seeks to enable the collaborat­ion among Diagnostic, Environmen­tal, Public Health, Research and Veterinary Laboratori­es across the Caribbean Member State (CMS) laboratory community to positively improve the lives of nationals and visitors alike in the Caribbean Community, the release explained.

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