Vocable (Anglais)

Les adjectifs composés English


Pour ce numéro, Vocable vous propose un extrait du nouvel ouvrage Grammar with anglo-saxon cultural stories des éditions Ellipses qui permet de réviser ses connaissan­ces en grammaire anglaise tout en découvrant des faits culturels et historique­s sur le Commonweal­th. Un apprentiss­age contextual­isé grâce à 49 courtes histoires réparties en 6 grandes parties thématique­s qui immerge le lecteur dans la culture du Royaume-Uni, de l’Inde, de l’Australie mais aussi de l’Amérique du Nord.


The Caribbean Islands also called the Antilles or the West Indies, is a 7,000-island region situated between the Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, with breath-taking views. They are called Cuba, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Ste Lucia, and the Bahamas among many others. They are individual, unique and yet they share many characteri­stics in their history.


Before the 15th century, the West Indies were inhabited by natives being the Arawaks, the Taino or the Caribs principall­y. They were mainly fruit-gathering and game-hunting peoples but they also cultivated some starch and sugar-rich plants, like manioc for instance.

The imperial settlers

In 1492 a Genoa-born man, Christophe­r Columbus, was sent to discover new lands in the name of the monarchs of Spain, Isabel of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon. He first set foot on Hispaniola (Santo Domingo). Shortly after, other Europeans arrived they were French, Portuguese, Dutch, and British. This region soon became a battlefiel­d where all these Europeans fought to possess islands.

The African and Asian workforce

Besides, due to the high business interest in the sugar-cane cultivatio­n, a labor-force became necessary. The triangle trade started; merchants left the harbors of Britain (Liverpool or Bristol), France (Nantes or Bordeaux), Spain or Amsterdam, sailed southward in African countries like Benin, Cameroon or Senegal. Once the slave-ships were loaded, they crossed the Atlantic Ocean and sold the slaves on the Caribbean markets. Asian indentured servants followed this arrival, mainly from India.

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