EuroNews (English)

Tim Burton's Beetlejuic­e comes to life in Lyon

- Joanna Adhem

In the heart of Vieux Lyon, the Musée du Cinéma et Miniature invites you on an extraordin­ary journey behind the scenes of the seventh art.

The museum houses a breathtaki­ng collection of original objects, costumes and miniature sets that have left their mark on the history of cinema and culture. These treasures, taken from Hollywood blockbuste­rs such as Star Wars, Indiana Jones and Jurassic Park, take visitors behind the scenes of their favourite films.

Tim Burton fans are in for a treat!

The museum will be opening the doors to a new space dedicated entirely to the world of Beetlejuic­e. To coincide with the release of the US director's sequel to the muchloved singular titled original, this immersive exhibition promises to take visitors behind the scenes of the creation of this cult character. Related Director Tim Burton receives star on Hollywood Walk Of Fame in glamorous A-list affair Tim Burton and the stars of

"Beetlejuic­e Beetlejuic­e" arrive by boat at Venice FIlm Festival

Visitors will be able to discover original objects from the 1988 film, specially brought out of the museum's reserves for the occasion. Extravagan­t costumes, fantastic sets and emblematic props will be combined to offer a unique immersive experience.

The exhibition will showcase the talent of the artists and technician­s who brought the world of Beetlejuic­e to life. Every stage in the creation process will be revealed from preparator­y sketches to scale models and costumes. Visitors will be able to gain a better understand­ing of Burton's artistic choices and the technical challenges faced by the film crews.

Cinema's Hidden Gems

This museum is a true treasure trove for cinephiles. Among the crown jewels is the original Dark Vader helmet, a prized possession of Julien Dumont, the museum's director. This iconic artifact is a testament to the museum's impressive science-fiction collection.

Fans of Steven Spielberg will also be thrilled. The museum houses an impressive collection of props from the renowned director's production­s. Cult objects from films such as Raidersoft­heLost Ark and E.T.theExtra-Terrestria­l are on display, offering visitors a unique immersion into the filmmaker's universe.

With such rich collection­s and a contagious passion, the Musée du Cinéma et Miniature has establishe­d itself as a must-see destinatio­n for all lovers of the seventh art. Julien Dumont and his team are constantly enriching the collection­s, and one can already imagine the future acquisitio­ns that will complete this exceptiona­l panorama.

To learn more about the museum watch the video above!

the fictional world and its characters.

“This new Max Original series will dive deep in to each of the iconic books that fans have continued to enjoy for all of these years,” Casey

Bloys, president of HBO programmin­g, stated in a press release, while also reassuring fans that it will be “a faithful adaptation."

Still, it's been met with mixed reactions - especially from older Harry Potter fans that feel a strong attachment to the books and original movie adaptation­s. This has led some to speculate whether the original leading cast members will make an appearance in the new series to bridge the generation­al gap, something that Daniel Radcliffe has since shut down.

“My understand­ing is that they’re trying to very much start fresh and I’m sure whoever is making them will want to make their own mark on it and probably not want to have to figure out how to get old Harry to cameo in this somewhere,” the 35-year-old actor told He continued, "I do wish them, obviously, all the luck in the world and I’m very excited to have that torch passed. But I don’t think it needs me to physically pass it.”

 ?? ?? Beetlejuic­e Beetlejuic­e from the concept to the screen
Beetlejuic­e Beetlejuic­e from the concept to the screen

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