EuroNews (English)

Disgust is driving us to overwash our clothes at the expense of the environmen­t, study finds

- Rosie Frost

We now wash our clothes more than ever before thanks to technologi­cal advances making it easier and cheaper to do laundry. The average household in Europe does up to five loads of laundry a week and bigger machines mean more energy and water are being consumed. Access to washing machines has also increased, rising from 30 per cent of the world’s households in 2010 to 80 per cent in 2024.

The ease of throwing something in the laundry bin and concern about being seen as clean have us washing our clothes even when they aren’t really dirty.

But, from the microplast­ics shed by our garments to the energy or water consumed by washing machines, the environmen­tal impact of our laundry has also grown.

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Of all global releases of microplast­ics, between 16 and 35 per cent come from washing synthetic fibres. One wash load of polyester clothes can discharge 700,000 microplast­ic fibres, according to the European Parliament’s research service.

Now new research has found that, although most people lean towards environmen­tally friendly life choices, we won’t do it at the expense of being seen as dirty.

Why do we wash our clothes more than ever before?

A survey of 2,000 people by scientists in Sweden has found that our fear of being seen as unclean outweighs our desire to make environmen­tally friendly life choices.

"Even though the machines have become more energy-efficient, it is how often we choose to wash that has the greatest impact on the climate - and we have never done as much washing as we do today,” says Erik Klint, doctoral student at the Division of Environmen­tal Systems Analysis at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden.

“At the same time, most of us seem to be uninterest­ed in changing our laundering behaviours to reduce climate impact."

Klint is the lead on this recently published study that took a new look at our washing habits. It examines two main factors that may influence us: our environmen­tal identity and how inclined we are to feelings of disgust.

“The study shows that the higher our sensitivit­y to disgust, the more we wash, regardless of whether we value our environmen­tal identity highly. The feeling of disgust simply wins out over environmen­tal awareness," he says.

We want to avoid being seen as dirty or unclean to other people and these feelings of disgust and shame encourage us to wash our clothes more - even if we are concerned about our carbon emissions.

Researcher­s already knew from previous research that many people don’t link their laundry habits to the environmen­t. And after seeing that campaigns to alter people’s behaviour had mostly failed, they wanted to find out why.

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Klint believes campaigns intended to make us think about the environmen­tal impact of our laundry have the wrong approach.

“It doesn’t matter how sensible and research-based an argument you have, if they run counter to people’s different driving forces, such as the desire to feel a sense of belonging to a group, they won’t work.”

Disgust drives our behaviour so strongly because it is an evolutiona­rily conditione­d emotion that functions as a protection against infection or dangerous substances. Combined with shame or exclusion from a fear of people not wanting to associate with someone who doesn’t take care of their hygiene, its a strong influence on our behaviour.

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Instead of trying to get people to wash their clothes less, Klint says, this research suggests that campaigns should focus on the psychologi­cal drivers behind people’s habits. That includes finding ways of encouragin­g people not to create lots of laundry in the first place like using clothes more times before they end up in your washing basket.

“It can be about targeting excessive washing, with messages such as 'most people use their Tshirt

more than once.'” he explains. “But also replacing washing machine use with other actions, such as airing the garments, brushing off dirt, or removing individual stains by hand. One way could be to highlight the economic arguments here, as clothes get worn out when they go through the machine."

 ?? ?? Being seen as unclean outweighs our desire to adopt environmen­tally friendly habits.
Being seen as unclean outweighs our desire to adopt environmen­tally friendly habits.

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