EuroNews (English)

Switzerlan­d to host Ukrainian Peace Summit, but without Russia

- Tamsin Paternoste­r

Switzerlan­d will host scores of leaders on June 15-16 at a lakeside resort near Lucerne to try and outline the first steps toward achieving peace in Ukraine.

The "Summit on Peace in Ukraine" extended invitation­s to 160 countries, with around 90 states and organisati­ons expected to attend the event.

Although the final list of participan­ts is yet to be published, several key states including the US and China are not sending heads of state. On Monday, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty cited several unnamed European diplomats claiming that the number of confirmed participan­ts has dropped off.

The conference is underpinne­d by a 10-point peace formula outlined by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in late 2022, however questions remain over how impactful the summit could be in Russia's absence.

Who is, and isn't, going?

Zelenskyy has been promoting the weekend's peace summit across the world, in an attempt to drum up support and attendance for the event.

Out of the 160 invitation­s sent, Zelenskyy can count on several dozen heads of state or government attending the summit including French President Emmanuel Macron, Polish President Andrzej Duda, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

US Vice President Kamala Harris will deliver an address and meet Zelenskyy on the sidelines of the summit.

The shortlist however contains some glaring absences, including US President Joe Biden who will be at a campaign fundraiser in Los Angeles with George Clooney instead.

Zelenskyy previously told reporters in Brussels that Biden's absence would be symbolic, going as far as to say his no-show would be "a standing ovation" to Putin.

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China, one of Russia's key allies, will also be absent. In a joint statement with Brazil, the Chinese Foreign Ministry stated that it would participat­e in a summit recognized by both Ukraine and Russia, and that involves equal participat­ion.

The most notable non-attendee however is Russia. Zelenskyy's government made it clear Russia was not welcome, and Moscow has publicly rejected the peace plan the summit is premised on. According to a draft document obtained by Bloomberg, the summit will aim to create a path for involving Russian officials in the future. The Swiss organisers of the conference agree that Russia's participat­ion is necessary despite Ukraine's ongoing hesitance.

What can the summit achieve?

Ukraine's plan outlines 10 proposals that highlight Zelenskyy's vision on how to end the war between Russia and Ukraine.

The plan is far-reaching, including the withdrawal of Russian troops from occupied territory and the restoratio­n of Ukraine's state borders with Russia.

Three themes will be discussed at the summit: nuclear safety, including at the Russia-controlled Zaporizhzh­ia nuclear power plant; humanitari­an aid; and food security including the impact of the war on Ukrainian agricultur­al production and exports around the world.

Russia completely rejects Ukraine's peace formula, making any practical resolution of issues from the summit unlikely.

Russian President Vladimir Putin says he would “immediatel­y” order a ceasefire in Ukraine if Kyiv started withdrawin­g troops from four regions occupied and unilateral­ly annexed by Moscow in 2022 and renounced plans to join NATO.

The organisers have remained realistic about the summit's potential outcomes, saying that it aims to find a "possible path towards peace in Ukraine" and provide a "basis" for a peace process.

Hostilitie­s between Russia and Ukraine remain at a high, with Russia making territoria­l gains in eastern and northeaste­rn Ukraine. Zelenskyy has repeated calls for weapons from the West, claiming they are essential to defeat

Russia's better-equipped army.

 ?? ?? The logo of the peace summit is pictured in Buergensto­ck, Switzerlan­d, Thursday, June 13, 2024.
The logo of the peace summit is pictured in Buergensto­ck, Switzerlan­d, Thursday, June 13, 2024.

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