EuroNews (English)

Dutch far right takes migration, trade and economic affairs portfolios

- Cynthia Kroet

Five candidates have been nominated by the far-right Freedom Party of Geert Wilders to become ministers on Asylum and Migration, Foreign Trade and Developmen­t Cooperatio­n, Infrastruc­ture, Economic Affairs, and Healthcare in the incoming Dutch government.

The coalition government is dominated by Wilders’ radical right-wing PVV, which is joined by the liberal VVD, conservati­ve NSC, and farmers' party BBB. Elections were held in November last year, in which the PVV almost doubled its seats to 37 of the 150-seat parliament, compared to the previous vote in 2021.

The incoming administra­tion, set to take office on June 26, will be headed by independen­t prime minister Dick Schoof, the former head of the Dutch intelligen­ce service.

Schoof's apparent lack of political experience starkly contrasts with that of his liberal predecesso­r, Mark Rutte, who has led the

Netherland­s since 2010 and played an influentia­l role in the EU.

Dutch election: Anti-Islam, far-right Geert Wilders bags shock victory Who is Dick Schoof and why did Geert Wilders choose him as new PM?

The ministers will need to pass a confirmati­on hearing in the national parliament next week, portfolios could therefore change. In addition, there will be some 13 state secretarie­s whose names have not all been confirmed.

PVV: Hardliners

On Asylum and Migration, the PVV put forward hardliner Gidi Markuzower, an Israeli-Dutch politician who has sat in the national parliament since 2017, and Reinette Klever, on Foreign Trade and Developmen­t Cooperatio­n. Klever, a former PVV politician, called in 2016 for the abolition of developmen­t aid altogether, Dutch broadcaste­r NOS reported.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs will go to Dirk Beljaarts, a former top lobbyist in the hospitalit­y sector and Honorary Consul to Hungary since 2015, with no apparent political experience. Barry Madlener, a former member of the European and Dutch Parliament, will take the helm of the Infrastruc­ture ministry. On healthcare Fleur Agema will lead. She has been in the parliament since 2006, always in charge of the healthcare portfolio.

VVD: NATO experience

The liberal VVD has delivered candidates for four ministries: Finance, Justice, Defence and Climate.

Eelco Heinen, a former policy adviser with the finance ministry and VVD campaign director is set to become Finance Minister. On Justice, David van Weel - currently NATO’s Assistant Secretary General for Innovation, Hybrid, and Cyber will take the lead.

Ruben Brekelmans, a member of parliament since 2021 and a relatively unknown candidate, will lead on Defence. Rutte’s former political adviser Sophie Hermans will become Climate Minister.

Newcomers: Some familiar faces

Newcomer NSC - a party founded in August last year with a conservati­ve agenda - will take on Foreign Affairs with Caspar Veldkamp, a former diplomat who was previously ambassador to Israel and Greece.

Judith Uitermark (Home Affairs), Eddy van Hijum (Social Affairs) and Eppo Bruins (Education), are also nominated on behalf of NSC.

The farmer party BBB, establishe­d in 2019, will be in charge of the Agricultur­e and Nature Ministry, with Femke Wiersma, a relatively unknown politician, taking the lead. Mona Keijzer, a former state secretary on Economic Affairs on behalf of the Christian-Democrat CSA, will take the Housing portfolio.

 ?? ?? Geert Wilders, the leader of the PVV party, during a meeting of leaders of political parties a er the general election in November.
Geert Wilders, the leader of the PVV party, during a meeting of leaders of political parties a er the general election in November.

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