EuroNews (English)

Only 8% of voters turn out for EU elections in this French department

- Marta Iraola Iribarren

While the majority of French citizens will go to the polls today, Sunday 9 June, there is a small percentage of territorie­s that already opened voting stations overseas such as Guyane, Martinique and Guadeloupe.

In all these regions, the participat­ion barely surpasses 10%, far from the 50% turnout France saw in the past European elections in 2019.

At 17h, when the stations closed, the participat­ion in Guyane was 10.8%, 0.6 points higher than the last time, an exception from all the other territorie­s where it has dropped.

In Guadeloupe, the turnout at the closing of the polls was 10.87%, and in Martinique, registerin­g the lowest numbers, participat­ion was 7.95%.

An exception to these low figures is Saint-Pierre et Miquelon in which 18.85% of the voters went to the polls. While this number is higher than in other territorie­s, the island registers a 6% drop from 2019.

EU Elections: Voter turnout was just 50% last time - will it rise?

The last polling stations to open before the ones in mainland France are in New Caledonia, a territory that has experience­d big instabilit­y in the past month.

After the French government in Paris passed a bill amending the constituti­ons to make changes to voter lists in New Caledonia, tensions erupted in the region.

The 222 831 voters called to the polls on the island are asked to respect the travel restrictio­ns that are currently in force, with a curfew in place until 17 June which brings forward the closing of polls to

17.00 local time.

The latest turnout data from midday in the region shows the participat­ion in 8.81%.

 ?? ?? French overseas territorie­s show a very low turnout rate in the European elections.
French overseas territorie­s show a very low turnout rate in the European elections.

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