EuroNews (English)

Pandemic treaty delay leaves'mixed feelings', says Charles Michel

- Gerardo Fortuna

The president of the European Council has described having "mixed feelings" following the failure last week of key United Nations-led talks on an internatio­nal pandemic accord, which led to the initiative being delayed until May 2025.

“On the one hand, I’m disappoint­ed because I would’ve preferred a decision and I felt the momentum was now,” Charles Michel told a pooled media interview in Brussels

Michel was among initiators of the pandemic treaty proposal during the Paris Peace Forum in November 2020.

“There was a lack of political will and courage of some around the table, and this is just regrettabl­e,” he said.

But he encouraged the EU not to abandon the idea, considerin­g the timeframe of the extension - until the World Health Assembly stages its next annual meeting reasonable. “It means that now we have to fight so that this extension can be an opportunit­y to make a decision within one year,” he said. It is “important to consolidat­e in an internatio­nal framework the lessons we have learned following the pandemic", said Michel. Although non-binding, this global commitment to improving preparedne­ss and response ahead of the next pandemic would envision new measures to reduce inequaliti­es between the global north and global south-for example, ensuring regional stockpilin­g and supporting the health sovereignt­y of developing countries.

The European Commission, which led the talks at the World Health Organisati­on on behalf of the EU countries, considers the extension of the deadline as a positive step forward.

Health Commission­er Stella Kyriakides welcomed the new deadline and said that the EU "remains firmly committed to these negotiatio­ns”.

Commission spokespers­on Stefan de Keersmaeck­er this week (3 June) said that there is still confidence about reaching an agreement.

“The topics which are covered by the pandemic agreement are wide and complex, which is why it makes total sense to have more time for these negotiatio­ns,” he said, claiming that the EU had acted both internally and abroad to address equity concerns laid bare by the pandemic.

 ?? ?? Although non-binding, this internatio­nal agreement would improve preparedne­ss and response ahead of the next pandemic.
Although non-binding, this internatio­nal agreement would improve preparedne­ss and response ahead of the next pandemic.

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