EuroNews (English)

Bulgarian politician­s enter final phaseof campaignin­gfor European elections


Political campaigns for the upcoming European Elections are wrapping up.

June 7 marks the end of the campaign period for Bulgaria ahead of the June 9 elections for representa­tives at the European Parliament.

The country will elect 17 MEPs voting simultaneo­usly for their early National Assembly elections in which 240 MPs will be elected. Citizens for European Developmen­t of Bulgaria (GERB) lead the preelectio­n polls, according to a recent survey conducted by the Mediana agency.

If the elections were held today, the poll reports that 29% of Bulgarians would cast their votes for GERB while the second-placed nationalis­t Vazrazhdan­e party would receive 15%.

More than 400,000 people remain undecided about whom they will vote, according to the survey. However, the agency emphasised that the survey is not a forecast but

instead a snapshot of the current social-political attitudes in the country only days before the elections. How the Bulgarian election will play a part in the Ukraine war

The upcoming early parliament elections will be the sixth time Bulgarians vote for their National Assembly since 2021.

The national snap election comes at a time of corruption scandals and Russian propaganda flooding the country.

The temporary government had been formed by the GERB and Turkish minority’s main party - the liberal centralist­s of DPS, affiliated to Renew Europe in the EU Parliament.

In 2020, Bulgaria was shaken by mass anti-corruption protests.

Therefore, the then prime minister, Boyko Borisov, was forced to resign. Following the rallies, the Bulgarian political leadership failed to enact any reforms, leading the country into a downward spiral of political instabilit­y.

Bulgaria has been one of Moscow's closest allies in the EU. President Rumen Radev has been widely accused of being pro-Russian by his opponents. While condemning Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, he has also refused to provide aid to Kyiv.

There are fears that the current instabilit­y could bolster the presence of nationalis­t and proRussian parties, deepening the rift.

 ?? ?? A Bulgarian walks out of a voting booth to cast his ballot for parliament­ary elections in Sofia, Sunday, May 12, 2013 (AP Photo/Valentina Petrova)
A Bulgarian walks out of a voting booth to cast his ballot for parliament­ary elections in Sofia, Sunday, May 12, 2013 (AP Photo/Valentina Petrova)

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