EuroNews (English)

What will be new European Parliament's first tasks after the elections?


The European Union goes to the polls from Thursday through to Sunday this week in elections in which right and far-right parties are widely expected to make gains. Citizens of its 27 countries will be voting for a new 720-member

European Parliament, 15 more than in the previous election.

One of the new assembly's first decisions will be to elect the president of the parliament, a vote that requires an absolute majority. Following this, the next step is to name a president for the European Commission, a decision made by the new parliament members.

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The same applies for aspiring commission­ers. They will be interviewe­d by MEPs, who will decide whether to back or reject them.

MEPs will then take part in drafting EU laws. Their role includes debating, amending, and finally negotiatin­g proposals made by the European Commission together with the European Council.

While neither parliament nor the council has the right to initiate a legislativ­e procedure, they can request the commission to do so and put forward a proposal.

Two of parliament’s other big tasks are adopting the EU budget and scrutinisi­ng foreign policy. It must also greenlight any EU enlargemen­t and all associatio­n treaties.

The Parliament also has the power to force the commission to resign by adopting a censure motion. In 1999, in the light of a fraud and corruption scandal, the entire European Commission was forced by the European Parliament to resign en masse.

 ?? ?? European flags fly outside the European Parliament Wednesday, Feb. 7, 2024 in Strasbourg, France.
European flags fly outside the European Parliament Wednesday, Feb. 7, 2024 in Strasbourg, France.

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