EuroNews (English)

The best things to do and see (or watch) in Europe this week

- Amber Louise Bryce Cannes festival

What's going on with 2024's box office?

This week, we looked into why big blockbuste­r releases like The Fall Guy and Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga have underperfo­rmed with cinemagoer­s (spoiler: streaming services and possible prequel fatigue have a lot to answer for).

It's a worrying trend, but still, the range of fantastic films shown at last week's prove cinema is far from dead! We all just need to go more - and if it's recommenda­tions you need, it's recommenda­tions we've got.


Opera Gallery London: 'The Whole World Smiles with You' (UK) An exploratio­n of figurative Black art from the 1980s onwards, 'The Whole World Smiles with You' is a group exhibition at London's Opera Gallery that includes work from popular modern day artists like Jazz Grant, Anya Paintsil, Thelonious Stokes, Derrick Adams and many more. Curated by Alayo

Akinkugbe, a historian who runs the popular @ablackhist­oryofart Instagram account, the displays seek to challenge traditiona­l Western ideas of Blackness by 'Doing well with these fine goods' (2022) by John Madu. reinterpre­ting its (largely negative and stereotypi­cal) portrayal in traditiona­l European portraitur­e. Open until 26 June.


'Primavera Sound Barcelona' (Spain)

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Primavera Sound (@primavera_sound)

Pulp, Vampire Weekend, Lana Del Rey, SZA and The National are just some of the huge names in music making an appearance at this year's Primavera Sound in Barcelona, which began on Wednesday (29 May) and ends 2 June. One of the biggest festivals in Europe, it also marks the start of another musical summer garnished in glitter. If you've not managed to nab tickets to this particular event, check out our list of other fantastic European festivals - and stay tuned for more Primavera updates from Euronews Cultures' Jonny Walfisz, who's probably enjoying Beth Gibbons as this is written. We're

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