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Cannes 2024: Festival head Thierry Frémaux avoids polemical #MeToo and strike topics

- David Mouriquand

In his annual pre-festival opening press conference, Cannes General Delegate Thierry Frémaux announced that he would like to “have a festival free of polemics.” Hot-button topics like #MeToo, with the

looming report of abuse in French cinema, employment strikes

the threat of

disrupting this year’s edition of the festival, as well as the war in Gaza, were largely avoided by Frémaux.

When asked if the festival had, as widely reported, hired a crisis management team to deal with the possible earthquake of #MeToo allegation­s against French talent taking part in this year’s festival, Frémaux said he couldn’t comment.

He went further by saying that Cannes President Iris Knobloch did not make any comments to French outlet Le Figaro, shutting down questions on the matter. He stressed that he only wanted to talk about the films in selection. “Before, we used to talk about cinema. Before, the only anxiety was about the films - whether they were going to be liked or not.” Addressing the press, he added: “What has changed the most in the last 20 years are your questions. There is no polemic this year. There are polemics outside the festival, but they do not come from the festival.”

As previously reported, the French film industry is bracing itself for further #MeToo revelation­s about multiple male actors, directors and producers. Speculatio­n is mounting in the French media over rumours that a bombshell #MeToo exposé will drop on the day of the opening - a mysterious list of 10 actors / directors / producers who are set to be accused of #MeToo allegation­s, set to be published by Mediapart.

Time will tell whether these revelation­s will indeed take place and what consequenc­es there will be for Cannes and its talent, but Frémaux expertly dodged the issue. When addressing Moi Aussi, a 17minute short from filmmaker and #MeToo activist Judith Godrèche, which will open this year’s Un Certain Regard section, he stated that the sidebar section was key for “communion and dialogue” with the audience. He added that Godrèche’s film was shot in one day, with thousands of sexual abuse victims who contacted her after she called out widespread abuse inside the French film industry.

Doubts persist over impact of potential strikes

Regarding the issue of Cannes’ freelance workers, who have threatened to go on strike if the festival does not meet their demands to give them better unemployme­nt protection­s, Frémaux stated that “very qualified technician­s are needed”, highlighti­ng that HR are in continuous discussion­s with them. “We don’t want a strike, and they don’t want a strike,” he said.

New French labour laws, set to go into effect on 1 July, will make it even harder for many freelance workers to qualify for benefits. “We are talking with them and working with them and hope that the negotiatio­ns will be successful,” he added.

However, since he remained rather tight-lipped on the issue, there is no further clarificat­ion as to how any potential strike will affect the ongoing of this year's 77th edition.

Can Cannes out-trump Trump?

Frémaux was also questioned about the political impact a festival like Cannes could have.

Speaking about Ali Abassi’s The Apprentice, which is about the rise of Donald Trump, he said it would likely have no impact on the American elections or his ongoing trial.

“When we gave the Palme d’Or to Michael Moore for Fahrenheit 9/11, did it have an impact on the reelection of George W Bush? No.” Frémaux was also asked about how the festival would deal with any potential anti-Israel demonstrat­ions, if there are any this year during the festival or on the red carpet.

“If there are any...” he echoed, before moving on to answer why there are no Israeli films in Competitio­n this year.

“Selections are done independen­tly of any considerat­ions outside of cinema.” So, a 2024 edition trying desperatel­y to steer clear of any and all controvers­y. However, it may not have much of a choice in the matter, should strikes materialis­e and a bombshell report surface...

The 77th Cannes film festival kicks off tomorrow, Tuesday 14 May.

 ?? ?? Thierry Frémaux, director of the Cannes Film Festival.
Thierry Frémaux, director of the Cannes Film Festival.

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