EuroNews (English)

Lithuanian presidenti­al vote nears under shadow of anxiety over Russia's plans

- Determined westward course,

Lithuania is holding a presidenti­al election on Sunday at a time when Russian gains on the battlefiel­d in Ukraine are fueling greater fears across all of Europe about Moscow's intentions, particular­ly in the strategica­lly important Baltic region.

The popular incumbent, Gitanas Nausėda, is favoured to win another five-year term. But eight candidates are running in all, making it unlikely that he or any other candidate can win the 50% of the votes needed to win outright on Sunday. In that case, a runoff would be held two weeks later on 26 May.

The president's main tasks in Lithuania's political system are overseeing foreign and security policy, and acting as the supreme commander of the armed forces. Those duties and the nation's strategic location along NATO's eastern flank amid a larger geopolitic­al standoff between Russia and the West add heft to the role despite Lithuania's relatively small size.

Concern over Russia

There is great concern in Lithuania and in neighbouri­ng Latvia and Estonia about Russia's gaining momentum in Ukraine. All three Baltic states declared independen­ce after the collapse of the Soviet Union and took a joining both the European Union and NATO.

Nausėda, a moderate conservati­ve who turns 60 a week after Sunday's election day, has been a strong backer of Ukraine, a position shared across most of the political spectrum. During his time in office, Lithuania has also given refuge to many who have fled an authoritar­ian crackdown in neighbouri­ng Belarus and increased repression in Russia. Nausėda, a former banker who entered politics with his successful presidenti­al run in 2019, is seen as the "safe choice for voters of almost all ideologica­l persuasion­s," said Tomas Janeliūnas, an analyst at Vilnius University's Institute of Internatio­nal Relations and Political Science.

Polls show that his main opponents are Ignas Vėgėlė, a populist lawyer, who is in second place according to recent opinion polls, and Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė, who is in third place in the surveys.

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While both Nausėda and Šimonytė are strong advocates of greater military spending and big supporters of Kyiv, several other candidates call aid to Ukraine an invitation for Russia to invade Lithuania.

Vėgėlė's comments on the issue of aid to Ukraine have sometimes been vague, and he has mocked those who advocate increasing defence spending to 4% of gross domestic product, double NATO's target.

Referendum on dual citizenshi­p

A referendum is also to be held on Sunday. It asks whether the constituti­on should be amended to allow dual citizenshi­p for hundreds of thousands of Lithuanian­s living abroad.

Lithuanian citizens who adopt another nationalit­y must give up their Lithuanian citizenshi­p, creating vulnerabil­ities for a nation whose population has fallen from 3.5 million in 1990 to 2.8 million.

If it passes, the parliament could amend the 1992 Constituti­on so people who have acquired Lithuanian citizenshi­p by birth can keep it if they gain citizenshi­p of another country "friendly to Lithuania."

A similar attempt to change the fundamenta­l law failed in 2019 because turnout was below the required 50% of registered voters to be valid.

 ?? ?? Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda speaks during a joint media conference with Dutch PM Mark Rutte at the Presidenti­al palace in Vilnius, Lithuania, on April 2, 2024.
Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda speaks during a joint media conference with Dutch PM Mark Rutte at the Presidenti­al palace in Vilnius, Lithuania, on April 2, 2024.

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