EuroNews (English)

Exclusive: Commission eyes Biotech Act to boost bloc’s life science sector

- Gerardo Fortuna

The unveiling of a ‘ Biotech and Biomanufac­turing Initiative’, a first of its kind, is tabled for this Wednesday ( 20 March) after a formal go-ahead in the weekly College of Commission­ers.

The biotech sector is considered “one of the most promising technologi­cal areas of this century” according to the latest draft of the communicat­ion - seen exclusivel­y by Euronews - set for approval by commission­ers later this week.

The initiative “summarises the current challenges and barriers for biotechnol­ogies and biomanufac­turing” and proposes actions "to address these challenges in a timely manner”.

The leaked document focuses the commission’s work into eight key actions ranging from obtaining faster entry into the market for biotech products to setting the course for future initiative­s including a review of the EU Bioeconomy strategy by the end of 2025.

A key feature is the proposed establishm­ent by the end of the year of an EU Biotech Hub, described as “an operationa­l tool for biotech companies to navigate through the regulatory framework and identify support to scale up".

This is intended to be a onestop shop for biomanufac­turing authorisat­ions and permits designed to streamline regulatory processes and foster a clean path from “lab to fab”.

While the communicat­ion flags capital access and investment scaling among hindrances faced by the sector, the commission states it can achieve the most impact through regulatory actions.

To this end, the EU executive will shortly launch a study exploring “targeted simplifica­tions to the regulatory framework, including for faster approval and bringing to the market”.

“The study will be finalised by mid-2025 and could lay the foundation­s for a possible EU Biotech Act,” according to the leaked document, adding that it will also map “key current industrial biobased value chains”.

Meanwhile, the EU executive will further promote so-called regulatory sandboxes to accelerate the market introducti­on of novel solutions tested under regulatory supervisio­n - a system recently proposed in the revision of the EU’s pharmaceut­ical framework for the developmen­t of breakthrou­gh therapies.

Generative AI for health

The commission appears to be doubling down on artificial intelligen­ce (AI) as the main technology to complement the life science sector, armed with its recently rubber-stamped legislatio­n on the matter.

“Artificial intelligen­ce (AI) applied to bio-based industry allows companies to automate a wide range of processes helping them to streamline and scale up their operations,” the document states.

In particular, “generative AI holds a particular promise”, it continues, pointing out its contributi­on to creating or examining gene sequences, aiding comprehens­ion of intricate genetic disorders, expediting drug developmen­t, and enhancing protein and peptide engineerin­g for medical applicatio­ns.

The commission will support use of generative AI in biotech and biomanufac­turing through financial stimuli in the GenAI4EU, a recent initiative that has earmarked €500m for the uptake of generative AI in different industrial sectors.

The text also touts advanced generative AI models for healthcare to be privileged under this new impetus, as well as personaliz­ed healthcare solutions and the developmen­t of customised treatments and diagnostic­s.

Easier approval for biopharma and AMTPs

In the draft, the EU executive acknowledg­es how the existing regulatory framework for the developmen­t and use of biotech-based medicinal products - the so-called biopharmac­euticals - is cumbersome.

“The commission will launch a study to identify how best to leverage existing assets and infrastruc­tures for health biotechnol­ogy, including those developed under Joint Undertakin­gs, with the aim to boost biomanufac­turing capacity within the EU,” according to the leaked document.

Obtaining authorisat­ions involving multiple legislatio­ns covering medicinal products represents a key obstacle for biopharmac­euticals. The commission is therefore planning to provide “clarificat­ions on the interface and interactio­n with other legislativ­e frameworks to help developers navigate the regulatory requiremen­ts, especially for combinatio­n products.”

Biopharmac­euticals and advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) are particular­ly affected by difference­s in national requiremen­ts for clinical trial assessment­s required before formal authorisat­ions are granted.

By the end of 2024, the commission will launch a study on the implementa­tion of the clinical trial regulation - originally designed to rationalis­e collected evidence from across the bloc - to assess its impact on European clinical research and consider necessary steps such as the potential for clinical trial hubs.

As regards ATMPs, the commission will explore proposing clearer rules on the use of the hospital exemption which allows the use of such therapies without a central marketing authorisat­ion.

 ?? ?? Biotech sector is considered “one of the most promising technologi­cal areas of this century” according to the latest draft of the communicat­ion seen exclusivel­y by Euronews.
Biotech sector is considered “one of the most promising technologi­cal areas of this century” according to the latest draft of the communicat­ion seen exclusivel­y by Euronews.

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