EuroNews (English)

‘On Air’ show to launch Euronews' election coverage, unveil exclusive poll

- Jeremy Fleming-Jones

Euronews will launch its EU election coverage with live showcase editions of its headline television shows at a marquee event in Brussels on Tuesday (March 19) during which the channel will reveal the results of an exclusive IPSOS partnered poll, and celebrate the opening of its central newsroom in the European capital.

More than 500 guests are set to attend ‘ Euronews On Air’ and watch production of two special editions of head-to-head interview show The Global Conversati­on. In the run up to the elections, host Shona Murray will discuss the status quo and future outlook for the EU in the global context of the war with Ukraine with European Council President Charles Michel. Similar themes, along with priorities for EU executive’s next term, will be addressed by host Sasha Vakulina in discussion with Commission Vice-President Margaritis Schinas.

Key election campaign themes, and Europe’s position in the world, will dominate a special edition of local debate show, Brussels, My Love?, with Méabh Mc Mahon joined in discussion with MEPs Abir Al-Sahlani, Marc Botenga, Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield, Michiel Hoogeveen, Peter Liese and Juan Fernando López Aguilar, representi­ng a panoply of party groups.

Business Editor Angela Barnes will quiz Barclays Europe CEO Francesco Ceccato in a new production of The Big Question, Euronews’ interview show dissecting the world of business.

Exclusive first projection of seats from multi-country survey

The evening will see the release of the first projection of seats within the European Parliament according to an exclusive Euronews-commission­ed IPSOS poll, following a survey carried out in 18 European countries. The results will give a unique glimpse of voter intentions at the outset of the campaign, and reveal the issues exercising the electorate.

Guests and speakers will also celebrate the opening of Euronews’ new central office based in the heart of the European quarter at a reception featuring Belgian DJ Laura De Greef.

This hub combines Euronews' unique multi-layered digital and television reporting and production teams in one of the European capital’s largest newsrooms, including the channel’s new EU policy team.

What does the European Parliament do?

The office will be the nerve centre for the channel’s 360-degree coverage of the forthcomin­g European election, as it mobilises dedicated television and web journalist­s across the continent, and capitalise­s on its 30-yeardeep experience to deliver a highoctane experience reflecting the diverse, multi-lingual European electorate.

The ambitious coverage will reflect the high stakes as around 400 million eligible voters consider their options amid global conflict and economic turbulence, providing a unique lens through which citizens opinions from throughout the continent meet and debate with the bloc’s political pacesetter­s, thought leaders and industrial­ists on hot-button issues such as energy, climate, health migration and security.

Euronews’ election coverage will track the build-up to the poll, the day itself with real-time result commentary, along with comprehens­ive analysis of the impact and effect of the results across TV, website, applicatio­n, Youtube, Social media and messenger applicatio­n.

Tune in here from 5pm on 19 March to watch a livestream of ‘Euronews on Air’.

 ?? ?? Euronews On Air
Euronews On Air

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