The Fiji Times

Seven vie for crown


SEVEN women will compete for the title of Miss Nasinu Festival 2024 later this month.

The festival was launched at Kalabu Housing in Valelevu on Thursday night, after a Ɲve-year break.

Speaking at the launch, Local Government Minister Maciu Nalumisa said the individual­s not only represente­d the spirit of the traditions and heritage, but also symbolised unity, strength and pride within the community.

He said this set the stage for a spectacula­r festival season ahead.

“The festival queens stand as a shining example of female empowermen­t and leadership, inspiring young women to take on roles of inƞuence within society,” Mr Nalumisa said.

“Our Coalition Government believes in bringing the community together from all walks of life and in the PaciƝc. What better way to reveal our Nasinu Town queens than in the heart of the community.”

Mr Nalumisa said the event signiƝed the importance of community engagement, which was similar to the Government’s concept.

He said the Coalition Government, through the Public Rental Board, continued to liaise with Ɲnancial institutio­ns and the Ministry of Trade and Commerce to conduct Ɲnancial literacy training.

“The sole objective of these trainings is to improve budget management skills and saving among the tenants.

“Not only that, but the Ɲnancial skills training is also to equip families that occupy Public Rental Board ƞats to transit into new homes.”

Mr Nalumisa also expressed his gratitude to the organisers, sponsors, participan­ts and volunteers for their invaluable contributi­on.

The festival will take place from August 24 to 31.

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 ?? Picture: JONA KONATACI ?? Vodafone Nasinu Town Council Festival queen contestant­s at the Kalabu PRB flats in Nasinu.
Picture: JONA KONATACI Vodafone Nasinu Town Council Festival queen contestant­s at the Kalabu PRB flats in Nasinu.

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