The Fiji Times

The 21st Century

Tower is proud of all they’ve achieved

- *2024 – celebratin­g 150 years of operation in Fiji


IN 2016, Cyclone Winston struck Fiji, becoming the strongest storm ever recorded in the Southern Hemisphere. Despite the devastatio­n, the resilient Fijian people united to recover and rebuild, with Tower providing crucial support.


In 2018, Tower strategica­lly positioned Fiji as the heart of its wider Pacific business by centralisi­ng operations in Suva. When the COVID pandemic hit in 2020, Tower swiftly ensured that its staff in Fiji had everything they needed to work from home.

Additional­ly, they provided weekly food deliveries to ease the burden during challengin­g times.


In 2022, Tower launched the market-leading online purchase journey and self-service portal called My Tower.

This platform is designed to help customers buy and manage their insurance seamlessly, regardless of their location.

In the same year, Tower collaborat­ed with the United Nations Capital Developmen­t Fund to create its first parametric insurance product called Cyclone Response Cover. This innovative product leverages technology to assist Fijian communitie­s in recovering quickly after cyclone events.


In 2023, Tower extended its reach beyond Fiji to support not only its Pacific operations but also New Zealand. They expanded their team in Suva to over 250 people, moved into new premises at Vale Ni Cina – officially opened February 2024 - and continued significan­t investment­s in leading digital capabiliti­es.

Tower’s team in Suva now helps supports 310,000 customers across six countries, positionin­g Tower Fiji as a pioneer business operation.

Looking back at their rich history, Tower is proud of all they’ve achieved.

Their commitment to community support, resilience during natural disasters, and strategic innovation­s have shaped their legacy. Tower combines innovation with over 150 years of experience.

They are reinventin­g insurance for the modern world and staying ahead of the curve.

Tower aims to be a company of many firsts.

They will continue to innovate, collaborat­e with stakeholde­rs - including local government, regulators, partners, and suppliers - champion local talent and protect Fijian communitie­s for the future.

 ?? Picture: SUPPLIED ?? A customer during Tower’s parametric insurance roadshow in Kadavu in 2022.
Picture: SUPPLIED A customer during Tower’s parametric insurance roadshow in Kadavu in 2022.
 ?? Picture: SUPPLIED ?? Tower CFO Paul Johnston and members of the Tower team at the Suva Hub opening this year.
Picture: SUPPLIED Tower CFO Paul Johnston and members of the Tower team at the Suva Hub opening this year.
 ?? Picture: SUPPLIED ?? A modern insurer, Tower team members pictured at the insurer’s digital retail branch.
Picture: SUPPLIED A modern insurer, Tower team members pictured at the insurer’s digital retail branch.

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