The Fiji Times

Court sets review date


THE HIGH Court in Lautoka has set a hearing date for an applicatio­n for leave to issue a judicial review of a decision by the Government against Grace Road president Daniel Kim and his colleague.

The matter will be heard from October 3 to October 5 this year.

Lawyers for Mr Kim were Kings Counsel Simon Ower, Ronald Gordon and Wasu Pillay. They represente­d him in Court yesterday while Solicitor General Ropate Green and Ofa Solimailag­i appeared for the Minister for Home Affairs and Immigratio­n and his permanent secretary.

On January 19, Justice Anare Tuilevuka approved the applicatio­n to review a decision made by the permanent secretary and the Minister for Home Affairs and Immigratio­n against Mr Kim and his co-accused Sung Jun Lee last year.

In addition to submitting an oral applicatio­n about Mr Kim’s detention conditions, Mr Ower KC requested the matter be deferred to September for hearing.

He also raised the issue of Mr Kim’s temporary release pending the court’s decision and was advised to Ɲle a formal applicatio­n.

Solicitor General Mr Green informed the court that Mr Kim would be returned to his previous room at the Korovou Prison and provided meals supplied by the Fiji Correction­s Service instead of food sourced from outside, which had been stopped for security concerns.

The Court was told that the permanent secretary for Home Affairs and Immigratio­n had the authority to modify Mr Kim’s detention orders and not the Fiji Correction­s Services Commission­er.

The matter has been adjourned to June 12 for mention.

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