The Fiji Times

He once sold tea, now India’s Modi seeks his own ‘tryst with destiny’


NEW DELHI – Narendra Modi often says he likes to think big, dream big and act big.

Having sold tea at a railway station as a boy while his mother washed dishes to make ends meet, the man who looks set to be only the second Indian to win three national elections in a row has come a long way from his humble beginnings. And, he is still thinking big.

Opinion polls ahead of the election starting on April 19 predict he will equal the three-term record of India’s first prime minister, the Western-educated and wealthy Jawaharlal Nehru, who famously called India’s independen­ce in 1947 a “tryst with destiny”.

If he wins, it may be the 73-year-old Modi’s last term in office and he wants to cement a legacy of setting India on the path to abolishing poverty and becoming a fully developed nation by 2047, the 100th year of independen­ce from British colonial rule.

He has set a tentative target of increasing the size of the economy by about eight times to $29 trillion by then and the per-capita income by about seven times to nearly $18,000, apart from securing a permanent seat at the UN Security Council.

“I am dedicating every moment to making India a developed country,” Mr Modi said at a campaign rally this month.

“That’s why I am working 24X7 for 2047.”

The Opposition says another term for Mr Modi could severely damage India’s secular and democratic traditions, arguing his Hindu nationalis­t agenda has polarised the country.

He has also been accused of authoritar­ian rule, a clampdown on dissent and politicall­y motivated arrests of key opposition leaders for alleged corruption.

In a relentless pursuit of votes for nearly 23 years, beginning in 2001 when he became chief minister of his native Gujarat state, Mr Modi has not shied away from using his modest upbringing to build a following in a country where hundreds of millions of its 1.42 billion people are poor.

“I know the pain of living under a weak roof,” he said this week in Bastar, one of the most underdevel­oped regions in India.

“I know what a mother goes through when there is no food at home. I know how helpless one feels when there is no money to buy medicine. Therefore, I decided that I will not rest until I remove every worry of the poor.”

He regularly ridicules the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty for what he sees as its entitled control of the main opposition Congress party despite heavy defeats in the last two elections, while he himself has kept his family at a distance - and out of politics.

“I have left my family. Not for myself, not for fun, but for my country. This is my country, this is my family,” he told a rally last month.

 ?? Picture: REUTERS/Anushree Fadnavis/ File Photo ?? India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi speaks during an election campaign rally in Meerut, India, March 31, 2024.
Picture: REUTERS/Anushree Fadnavis/ File Photo India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi speaks during an election campaign rally in Meerut, India, March 31, 2024.

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