The Fiji Times

‘A new beginning’

Thirty-three appointed to drainage board


THIRTY-THREE people were appointed to the Ministry of Agricultur­e’s drainage board at an event at the Grand Pacific Hotel (GPH) in Suva yesterday.

Agricultur­e and Waterways Minister Vatimi Rayalu said the board was removed by the previous government and the induction marked a new beginning. He said the abolishmen­t of the drainage board seven years ago caused concern among the farming community as it negatively impacted drainage, leading to flooding in many farming areas.

“The re-establishm­ent of the board was a testament of the Coalition Government’s commitment to upholding the wellbeing of our farmers, preservati­on of our agricultur­al lands, water management and environmen­t stewardshi­p in Fiji,” Mr Rayalu said.

“Your commitment, expertise and unwavering dedication will be instrument­al in shaping the future of our drainage infrastruc­ture and ensuring that it remains resilient and adaptive to the ever-changing environmen­tal challenges in today’s era.”

Mr Rayalu said the board was tasked with overseeing the functionin­g of the country’s main drainage systems and infrastruc­ture to mitigate the impacts of flooding in the Central, Western and Northern Divisions.

The board consists of agricultur­e officers, farmers, and members of the previous board.

The chairperso­ns of the different divisions are; Central Semi Matalau, Northern Gyan Chand and Western Vinod Kumar.

Ministry of Waterways director, Marau Vuli said the members were chosen after submitting their expression­s of interest and the final decision made by the minister.

He said the ministry would work closely with the board members on issues affecting the waterways in their respective communitie­s and communicat­e on ways to address them.

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