Fiji Sun

Namosi Invests into Children’s Future


The Namosi Secondary School rugby teams have to go through many challenges before coming to play in the weekly Vodafone Deans Trophy Southern Zone competitio­n in Suva.

This was revealed to SUNsports on Saturday by NSS Under-16 rugby coach Rusiate Qamoli. He highlighte­d the school does not have proper equipment or gym for their players to train in.

“We turn to whatever is available,” Qamoli said.

“Apart from that it is always a challenge for us to cater for the team’s travelling expenses and food.

“We brought two teams today. Our expenses were more than the money we had but we managed to get here. This was made possible with the support of some families here is Suva.” The main aim of the team this year, Qamoli said, is to expose their players to national competitio­ns.

“I want the boys to know that there is always a way out from the village. We are doing our best to provide the means necessary to give our players a chance to shine,” Qamoli said.

He added that the team produced a valiant effort throughout the season as they keep on surprising schools that have depth of talent.

“We’ve identified some weaknesses that we can improve on, but it was a good outing from the boys.

“We have a bunch of them being their first time in Suva, so it’s a good exposure overall.”

He is grateful to the support from parents and the school’s committee towards the teams and he is hopeful the boys would perform to their expectatio­ns.

Results Southern Zone:

(U18) Mahatma Gandhi 22-21 Suva Grammar, (U19) Naitasiri Secondary 22-10 Nasinu Secondary, (U16) Marist Brothers High 60-0 Lomary Secondary Eastern Zone: (U14) Ratu Kadavulevu 12-5 Lelean Memorial, (U15) Pt Shreedhar College 19-12 Muaniweni College

Raluve Trophy (Girls): Eastern Zone: (U18) Muaniweni College 10-0 Lelean Memorial; Savusavu Zone: (U18) Savusavu Secndary 17-10 Napuka Secondary Schoolo.

 ?? Photo: Ronald Kumar ?? Namosi Secondary School Under-16 team with their coach and officials on June 22, 2024.
Photo: Ronald Kumar Namosi Secondary School Under-16 team with their coach and officials on June 22, 2024.

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