Fiji Sun

Modi Sworn In for Third Term as Prime Minister of India

Modi becomes second leader in Indian history to win three consecutiv­e terms, but opposition leaders snub ceremony.

- - The Guardian

Narendra Modi has been sworn in as prime minister of India for a historic third term, ushering in a new era of coalition politics for India’s strongman leader.

The ceremony, which took place at the presidenti­al palace on Sunday evening, marked Modi’s return to power, only the second leader in India’s history to win three consecutiv­e terms.

A beaming Modi stood next to two Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) heavyweigh­ts, Rajnath Singh and Amit Shah, who were both confirmed to return as cabinet ministers. As he stepped up to the podium to make his pledge to the president, Droupadi Murmu, loud cheers erupted from the vast crowds gathered to watch the ceremony.

Modi’s third term is likely to take a very different shape from his previous decade in office after his BJP faced an unexpected­ly challengin­g election. The party won the most seats in the polls, which took place over almost two months with the results finally announced on Tuesday, but fell short of an absolute majority.

Modi had to rely on coalition partners, notably smaller regional parties, to give the BJP enough seats to claim a parliament­ary majority and form the government. It is the first time that Modi, who is used to leading from the front, has been forced to govern in a power-sharing arrangemen­t, with coalition partners taking several cabinet and ministeria­l posts.

Analysts believe the BJP’s new dependence on secular coalition parties could present a challenge for Modi and may curtail some of the more authoritar­ian and dictatoria­l tendencies of his government in the past, in particular his pursuit of Hindu-first policies.

Since he came to power in 2014, Modi has reshaped the secular country with an aggressive Hindu nationalis­t agenda, gaining widespread support among India’s 80%

Hindu majority. His supporters credit him with India’s economic growth and elevated standing on the world stage, but he lost swathes of votes in the election because of issues such as chronic unemployme­nt and fears over India’s democracy. Speaking to his coalition parties over the weekend, Modi pushed back at the opposition alliance who have claimed that the election was a defeat for the prime minister. “We did not lose,” he said but also struck an unusually conciliato­ry note, adding: “To run the government, a majority is necessary. But to run the nation, a consensus is necessary.”

The opposition alliance, which goes by the acronym INDIA, performed far better than polls had predicted in the election, and will be returning to parliament with more than 230 seats, more than double the previous election.

 ?? Photo: AP ?? Narendra Modi is sworn in as PM at the Rashtrapat­i Bhavan, in New Delhi.
Photo: AP Narendra Modi is sworn in as PM at the Rashtrapat­i Bhavan, in New Delhi.

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