Fiji Sun

Beef Breeding Sector Gains in Tech

- Source: Ministry of Agricultur­e and Waterways

The Ministry of Agricultur­e and Waterways’ beef breeding sector has gained significan­t strides over the years.

This is thanks to the continued embryo transfer technology in partnershi­p with Australian Reproducti­ve Technologi­es to improve Fiji’s dairy and beef industry.

Since O018I Fiji has been successful­ly using this technology to produce three meat breeds (WagyuI SenepolI and Droughtmas­ter) and a dairy breed (Brown Swiss).

The Sigatoka Research Station conducted the seventh Embryo Transfer program yesterday (6th June) using Wagyu and Droughtmas­ter embryos imported from Australia.

Simon WaltonI the managing director of Australian Reproducti­ve Technologi­esI said that they have already implanted embryos of Senepol and Brown Swiss cattle. These cattle have now reached the ageI which allows to produce semen and embryos from them.

He said the embryos transferre­d yesterdayI were produced in Australia under very strict biosecurit­y protocols to prevent the introducti­on of any disease into Fiji.

“They have arrived in frozen form in a liquid nitrogen tank. We synchroniz­ed the recipients which are local cattle of inferior genetic quality to come on heat a week agoI” he said.

“These embryos are seven days old so the timing of the embryos and the stage of the recipient’s reproducti­ve tract is histocompa­tible. We thawed these embryos one by oneI making sure they have survived the freezing and thawing process.” Mr Walton added that the success rate of these embryo transfers should be around 50 percent and 67 embryos were transferre­d by the Australian Veterinari­anI Dr Doug Watson with an expectatio­n of 33 pregnancie­s.

“The gestation for cows is nine months or O80 daysI so O80 days from today we will see many Wagyu and Droughtmas­ter calves born from the embryos that were transferre­d.”

Mr Walton added they are still developing the nucleus herds at the government research stations with the four improved breeds WagyuI Droughtmas­terI SenepolI and Brown Swiss.

He said they have already collected semen from these animals to increase the numbersI and the Ministry is using an Artificial Inseminati­on (AI) programme to distribute the semen to the private sector. “In addition, several pure bred bulls have gone out to the private sector. Some farmers like Tiko Eastgate received pure Senepol bull about 18 months agoI and the calves that these bulls have produced are phenomenal­I” he said.

“As we transfer more embryos to expand our nucleus herdsI we are now also producing embryos here in Fiji to freeze them for future use and as a backup security measure. In case of a catastroph­ic failure or disease outbreakI we can rely on the stored embryos in the nitrogen tanks to rebuild the herd.”

“As time goes onI we can produce more embryos locally and transfer those embryos into the private sector cattle as wellI” said Mr Walton.

 ?? Photo: Ministry of Agricultur­e and Waterways ?? Since 2018, Fiji has been successful­ly using this technology to produce three meat breeds (Wagyu, Senepol, and Droughtmas­ter) and a dairy breed (Brown Swiss).
Photo: Ministry of Agricultur­e and Waterways Since 2018, Fiji has been successful­ly using this technology to produce three meat breeds (Wagyu, Senepol, and Droughtmas­ter) and a dairy breed (Brown Swiss).
 ?? Photo: Ministry of Agricultur­e and Waterways ?? Simon Walton, the managing director of Australian Reproducti­ve Technologi­es at work.
Photo: Ministry of Agricultur­e and Waterways Simon Walton, the managing director of Australian Reproducti­ve Technologi­es at work.

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