Fiji Sun

Protocol breached, Bainimaram­a will be handcuffed in court appearance­s


The Fiji Correction­s Service (FCS) has concluded its investigat­ion into the incident involving former Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimaram­a’s signing of documents while attending court on matters unrelated to his detention.

“Our findings indicate a failure to adhere to the procedural guidelines set forth for the handling of detainees during judicial proceeding­s,” said the Commission­er of the Fiji Correction­s Service, Jalesi Nakarawa.

As a consequenc­e of these findings, disciplina­ry actions will be initiated against the officers responsibl­e for escorting Bainimaram­a during his court appearance.

“Their failure to enforce the required protocols compromise­d the integrity of our operations and allowed the breach to occur.”

Furthermor­e, to prevent any future occurrence­s, strict measures have been mandated. “Effective immediatel­y, Bainimaram­a will be handcuffed during all court appearance­s.”

This measure is intended to ensure compliance with security protocols and to maintain the decorum and integrity of the judicial process, Mr Nakarawa said.

“The Fiji Correction­s Service is committed to upholding the highest standards of conduct and security. The breach that occurred during Bainimaram­a’s court session is unacceptab­le, and we are taking decisive action to address this lapse. We have a duty to the public to ensure that our protocols are rigorously followed and that all detainees are treated with fairness while maintainin­g strict security measures.

“The actions of our officers in this instance fell short of our expectatio­ns and our profession­al standards. We will take appropriat­e disciplina­ry steps to rectify this and prevent future breaches. The decision to handcuff Bainimaram­a during court appearance­s is a necessary step to ensure compliance and to uphold the integrity of our operations.”

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