Fiji Sun

Training Search Yields Big Results

- SOURCE: FIJI REVENUE AND CUSTOMS SERVICES Feedback: frederica.elbourne@fijisun.

Atwo-week seaport and border control training in Nadi has yielded immediate results, with participan­ts intercepti­ng a vessel carrying narcotics while it was entering the Fijian waters.

The training, which was spearheade­d by the Fiji Revenue Customs Service (FRCS) with support from the United Nations Developmen­t Programme (UNDP) Pacific Office in Fiji, saw 85 participan­ts from FRCS, the Fiji

Police Force, Republic of Fiji Navy, Fiji Immigratio­n Department, Ministry of Fisheries, Maritime Safety Authority of Fiji (MSAF), and the Biosecurit­y Authority of Fiji enhance essential knowledge and skills for vessel searches. This included safety at sea, boarding operations, boarding access systems, and in-water survival techniques. The five-day intensive training also included a set of mock exercises that focused on vessel searches and seizures, with participan­ts searching yachts, barges, and container ships, amongst others.


On the final day of the training, the participan­ts conducted a live search on a yacht where the officials discovered marijuana onboard.

The seizure highlighte­d the practical efficacy of the training, as the border officials tracked the vessel due to suspicious activities before the successful intercepti­on.

“Under the leadership of FRCS, these nationwide training initiative­s bring together a diverse range of border control agencies, fostering collaborat­ion, and promoting the exchange of best practices,” FRCS said in a press release.

“Through this concerted effort, FRCS aims to strengthen the capabiliti­es of all participat­ing agencies, ensuring a unified and robust approach to border security that aligns with Fiji’s strategic goals for national defence and protection.”


The Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, Siromi Turaga commended the efforts and collaborat­ive spirit demonstrat­ed by the border agencies.

“The successful intercepti­on of narcotics underscore­s the critical importance of such training initiative­s and the synergy among our dedicated officials,” he said.

“By working together seamlessly, we strengthen our ability to combat illicit activities and protect our maritime borders. I extend my appreciati­on to all participan­ts for their commitment to ensuring the safety and security of Fiji’s waters and territorie­s.

“The Pacific has a strong reliance on its seaports, not only for the import and export of goods, but for tourism and additional economic activity.

“World Bank data shows that in 2022, the importatio­n of goods and services to Fiji accounted for 69.2 per cent of the country’s gross domestic product; this figure underscore­s the critical need for robust controls and capacity building to be put in place”.

Applauding the efforts for the successful intercepti­on, FRCS chief executive officer, Udit Singh said the seizure was a demonstrat­ion of the effectiven­ess of the Seaport Vessel Search training.

“I commend our officers for carrying out their duties diligently in ensuring our borders are protected from the infiltrati­on of illicit drugs and thank UNDP and the Government of Japan for further enhancing the knowledge and skills of our officers in fighting against border threats,” Mr Singh said.

FRCS chief customs officer, Osea Dakai, said the training and subsequent live vessel search has further enhanced Fiji’s capacity to combat illicit activity in protection of the Blue Pacific Continent:

“The recent seizure during the training programme exemplifie­s the project’s effectiven­ess in fortifying Fiji’s border security. Our dedication to border control and law enforcemen­t goes beyond pronouncem­ents; it’s a proven reality,” he said.

“FRCS, together with our border management partners, remains steadfast in safeguardi­ng our maritime territory from criminal activity.”

UNDP’s Integrated Border Management Project is supported by the Government of Japan.

 ?? ?? Border officers attending the practical session. Photo: Fiji Revenue and Customs Services
Border officers attending the practical session. Photo: Fiji Revenue and Customs Services

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