Fiji Sun

Substance abuse doubles in number


TSecure threegener­ation families, where the grandparen­ts can educate and care for grandchild­ren. This secures the attachment and family bond. Dr Balram Pandit St Giles Psychiatri­c Hospital medical superinten­dent

he number of patients treated for substance abuse at the St Giles Psychiatri­c Hospital in Suva, has almost doubled in the past 10 years. The hospital saw an average of 20 to 30 patients with substance abuse-related problems per month last year. This contribute­d to more than 8000 visitation­s in the year, reveals hospital medical superinten­dent Dr Balram Pandit said during the panel discussion on illicit drugs on Thursday. Dr Pandit said their data showed that visitation­s to the hospital had “nearly doubled” over the past decade. Substance abuse, in particular, remains a key issue, with the abuse of alcohol, cannabis (marijuana), and meth being among the most common, he said. The talanoa session between Government and various stakeholde­rs focused on the response to illicit drugs and substance use disorders in Fiji. Dr Pandit said health prevention and awareness should be a leading solution along with strengthen­ing the family unit and reinforcin­g family values.

“Secure three-generation families, where the grandparen­ts can educate and care for grandchild­ren. This secures the attachment and family bond,” Dr Pandit said.

He said health profession­als could not tackle substancea­buse problems alone.

Martha W from a local 12-step programme who was part of the session agreed that “we shouldn’t leave the issue to the health sector to solve on its own.

“It takes everybody. It takes the family, the church, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health.

“It’s a group effort and we all have to work towards the goal.”

She said Thursday’s event was helpful in initiating important conversati­ons between crucial decision-makers who have the power to action meaningful and positive change.

 ?? St Giles Psychiatri­c Hospital. ??
St Giles Psychiatri­c Hospital.
 ?? Dr Balram Pandit. ??
Dr Balram Pandit.

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