Fiji Sun

Nausori Health Centre gets $700k Facelift


The $700,000 newly refurbishe­d Nausori Health Centre will continue to cater more than 70,000 people from the provinces of Rewa, Tailevu and Naitasiri.

This was after the Minister for Health and Medical Services, Dr Ratu Antonio Lalabalavu, and New Zealand High Commission­er Charlotte Darlow, commission­ed it on Friday.

The refurbishm­ent works included six new doctors’ consultati­on rooms, a new waiting area, new pharmacy, laboratory unit, treatment room, foot care room, and an improved public sanitary facility.

This is the fifth project funded by New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) in the Central Division, under its infrastruc­ture developmen­t project of $1.9m.

“The other four facilities already opened are the Galoa Nursing Station, Makoi Health Centre, Wainibokas­i Health Centre, and Korovou Health Centre. We are excited to note that health facilities in the west and north have also been identified for this project,” Dr Lalabalavu said.

“To complement this infrastruc­ture improvemen­t project, the ministry has added the refurbishm­ent of the conference room and the new Command Centre for the Rewa subdivisio­n. I believe that this would be the first major refurbishm­ent

that the Nausori Health Centre has had since it was establishe­d in the 1950s.”

Dr Lalabalavu added it was a sig

nificant show of support and commitment from the NZ government to the health of the people of Fiji. Ms Darlow said the commission­ing

meant a lot to her because she came from a medical background family and knew the importance of such facilities.

She is grateful the refurbishe­d health centre will greatly benefit every Fijian that will visit the Centre.

 ?? Photo: Wati Talebula-Nuku ?? Minister for Health and Medical Services Dr Ratu Antonio Lalabalavu and New Zealand High Commission­er Charlotte Darlow (in garland) with staff members of the Nausori Health Centre on May 17, 2024.
Photo: Wati Talebula-Nuku Minister for Health and Medical Services Dr Ratu Antonio Lalabalavu and New Zealand High Commission­er Charlotte Darlow (in garland) with staff members of the Nausori Health Centre on May 17, 2024.

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