Fiji Sun

Former Meth Addict, Drug Dealer Shares His Story

At the age of 17 he was arrested and imprisoned for threats to persons and aggravated robbery.

- MERELEKI NAI Feedback:

Pastor Rangi Pou has been to the lowest point of life that he once considered suicide. Born-again Pou lived a thug life as a teenager; he will be sharing his lifechangi­ng experience in Nadi on Sunday (May 19).

He grew up in Napier, Hawke’s Bay in New Zealand. Growing up he was surrounded by gang culture, drugs and alcohol abuse and constant violence. At the age of 15, he was introduced to methamphet­amine and by no coincidenc­e at the same age was involved with NZ’s Gang culture.

At the age of 16 he was living in a spare room at a brothel hooked on methamphet­amine and using any means necessary to acquire the drug including aggravated robbery, theft, extortion and various other criminal acts.

At the age of 17 he was arrested and imprisoned for threats to persons and aggravated robbery.

By the time he turned 25, Pou had seen numerous lives of close friends and family members lost to the underworld of drugs, gangster and violence.

At his lowest point in life, he attempted to commit suicide in the hope of escaping the carnage that followed his own addiction to methamphet­amine. In 2010, Pou made some powerful positive choices that changed his life forever.

He now shares his heart-wrenching story of hope to schools, councils and organisati­ons.

With over 10 years’ experience working with disengaged youths and adults, Pou has devoted his life to helping people “Choose to Change” from the same destructiv­e cycle he was once trapped in.

Now a husband, community leader, mentor, motivation­al speaker and pastor of The Potter’s House Christian Church in New Zealand, Pastor Pou seeks to make a lasting impact on this troubled generation by helping others “Choose to Change”.

He is extending his invitation to everyone to join him at the Coastal Rentals car park at Potter’s House Church opposite Namotomoto Village in Nadi at 6pm this Sunday.

 ?? Pastor Rangi Pou. ??
Pastor Rangi Pou.

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