Fiji Sun

Defence Wants More Clarity on Tudravu Statement


The lawyer for inmates and former Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimaram­a and former Police Commission­er, Sitiveni Qiliho, Devanesh Sharma, wants more clarity on the statement made by former Acting Police Commission­er, Rusiate Tudravu.

Bainimaram­a and Qiliho appeared before Magistrate Jeremaia Savou with charges related to the terminatio­n of two police officers in 2021.

They appeared at the Suva Magistrate’s Court on Friday.

During the hearing, State prosecutor, Pooja Mishra informed the court that the proposed facts were already served to the defence and that they were now ready to go on with the pre-trial conference. In response, Mr Sharma asked the court that a soft copy be provided to them as they needed clarificat­ion on the statement made by Mr Tudravu. They sought 14 days to do this.

Acting Director of Public Prosecutio­ns John Rabuku told the court that 14 days were sufficient time.

He said they provided caution interviews and other submission­s that the defence could go over.

Mr Rabuku said they were open to any violent objections that the defence wanted to highlight. He said they wanted to make sure that the PTC was done for as they also anticipate­d fixing a hearing date this year. Magistrate Savou, in agreement, adjourned the matter to June 10.


Bainimaram­a is charged with one count of unwarrante­d Demands Made By A Public Official contrary to Section 355 (a)(b)(i) and (c) (ii) of the Crimes Act 2009. It was alleged that between May 21 and August 18, 2021, while being the Prime Minister of the Republic of Fiji, Bainimaram­a made an unwarrante­d demand with menaces of a former senior Police officer Rusiate Tudravu when he told him to terminate the employment of Penieli Nayare Ratei and Tomasi Naulu and that if he did not terminate the officers then he was to hand in his resignatio­n. Qiliho is charged with two counts of Abuse of Office.

It was alleged that between August 5 to August 8, 2021, Qiliho, being employed as Commission­er of Police reviewed the disciplina­ry decision made by Tudravu as the Acting Commission­er of Police against Naulu, which was a fine equivalent to two working days pay, and contrary to this decision, he terminated the employment of the two officers.

It is also alleged that during the same period, Qiliho also reviewed the disciplina­ry decision made by Tudravu, which was a fine equivalent to five working days, and contrary to this decision, terminated the employment of Ratei.

 ?? Photo: Ronald Kumar ?? Former Police Commission­er Sitiveni Qiliho and former Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimaram­a escorted by Fiji Correction servicers personnel outside Court in Suva on May 17, 2024.
Photo: Ronald Kumar Former Police Commission­er Sitiveni Qiliho and former Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimaram­a escorted by Fiji Correction servicers personnel outside Court in Suva on May 17, 2024.

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