Fiji Sun

Security measures ‘protect our economic activities’

Border patrol vital for seaports’ trade, tourism: Vosarogo

- MERELEKI NAI Feedback:

Border control agencies cannot work in silos; effective collaborat­ion and coordinati­on is necessary for identifyin­g and addressing emerging threats promptly and comprehens­ively. Filimoni Vosarogo Minister for Lands and Mineral Resources

The importance of the country’s border control at Fiji’s seaports was is a vital component of tourism, which contribute­s towards 40 per cent of the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP).

Minister for Lands and Mineral Resources Filimoni Vosarogo spoke about this at the Seaport Border Control training at Tanoa Internatio­nal Hotel, Nadi last week.

The seaports play a critical role such as cargo handling, logistics, and distributi­on, industry, and maritime services, Mr Vosarogo said.

“In recent decades, its two functions have extended to trade, logistics, and production centres with an extensive portfolio of operations, including production, trade, and service industries,” he said.

“As the hub of the Pacific, Fiji’s seaports also serve as an entry and exit point assuming the role of ‘load break’ where cargos are consolidat­ed or de-consolidat­ed, and the transfer of goods and services to our neighbouri­ng Pacific Island countries.

“These core functions demand stronger boarder control and security for our seaports.”

He said the border control not only controlled the entry of illegal goods and substances, but detected and deterred transnatio­nal crimes such as drug smuggling and human traffickin­g.

“It emphasises the need for intensifie­d security measures and collaborat­ive efforts to protect our economic activities and the wellbeing of our people,” Mr Vosarogo said.

“Border control agencies cannot work in silos; effective collaborat­ion and co-ordination is necessary for identifyin­g and addressing emerging threats promptly and comprehens­ively.

“Sharing intelligen­ce, resources, and expertise can amplify our ability to detect and deter illicit activities, including smuggling, traffickin­g, and terrorism. “

Mr Vosarogo said a seamless exchange of informatio­n and cooperatio­n across borders was pivotal in staying ahead of increasing­ly sophistica­ted transnatio­nal threats.

 ?? Photo: Mereleki Nai ?? Minister for Lands and Mineral Resources Filimoni Vosarogo (right) speaking during the Seaport Border Control Training at the Tanoa Internatio­nal Hotel, Nadi on May 10, 2024.
Photo: Mereleki Nai Minister for Lands and Mineral Resources Filimoni Vosarogo (right) speaking during the Seaport Border Control Training at the Tanoa Internatio­nal Hotel, Nadi on May 10, 2024.

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