Fiji Sun

First descendant­s of Girmitiyas honoured with medals


Girmit descendant­s have been told they have the right to enjoy the fruits of their ancestors’ labour in Fiji.

The Chief guest during the 145th Girmit Celebratio­n in Labasa on Saturday, Assistant Minister for Rural and Maritime Developmen­t, Jovesa Vocea, said Girmitiya descendant­s must feel proud of how their forefather­s fought for their rights and reshaped their destiny. The celebratio­n was attended by more than 1000 people.

Mr Vocea said the Girmitiyas’ infrastruc­tural contributi­on in Fiji helped our country surpassed other Pacific Island countries to our developed status.

“Girmit was a time of great stress and ordeal which the Girmitiyas had to endure under British colonial rule”.

Not just infrastruc­ture, Mr Vocea said the Girmitiyas helped Fiji excel in the Agricultur­e aspect as well in sugarcane plantation. Mr Vocea saluted the resilience of the Girmitiyas and encouraged the first descendant­s to follow their forefather­s’ footsteps. The theme this year was: Journey of Girmit Descendant­s in Building a New Fiji. Committee member and Labasa Town Council special administra­tor chairperso­n, Paul Jaduram, said the medal ceremony honored the first descendant­s of the Girmitiyas who worked hard to make our country prosperous. Mr Jaduram said the descendant­s represent the closest link to their forefather­s and their values must be kept. Mr Vocea said because of these contributi­ons, Fijians of Indian descent had gained a place to call home.

“You (Girmit descendant­s) have the right to live and continue your progress in Fiji,” he said.

Mr Vocea said the Coalition Government remained committed to valuing and safeguardi­ng the lives of Indo-Fijians in Fiji.

Labasa Girmit Celebratio­n working committee president, Vinesh Prakesh, said this year’s celebratio­n was one of the best organised. He thanked the collaborat­ive approach by Government bodies in making the celebratio­n worthwhile.

Committee member and Labasa Town Council special administra­tor chairperso­n, Paul Jaduram, said the medal ceremony was to honour the first descendant­s who represent the Girmitiyas who worked hard to make our country prosperous.

Mr Jaduram said these descendant­s represent the closest link to our forefather­s and their values must be kept.

 ?? DEPTFO News ?? Chandra Wati (seated), 91, with her commemorat­ive medal that she received from the Assistant Minister for Rural and Maritime Jovesa Vocea in Labasa during the 145th Girmit celebratio­n May 11, 2024. Photo:
DEPTFO News Chandra Wati (seated), 91, with her commemorat­ive medal that she received from the Assistant Minister for Rural and Maritime Jovesa Vocea in Labasa during the 145th Girmit celebratio­n May 11, 2024. Photo:
 ?? ?? Descendant­s of the Girmitiyas in Labasa during the 145th Girmit Celebratio­n in Labasa on May 11, 2024.
Descendant­s of the Girmitiyas in Labasa during the 145th Girmit Celebratio­n in Labasa on May 11, 2024.

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