Fiji Sun

Radrodro to Receive Investigat­ion Report of Viral Music Video

The video showed girls who are students of Adi Cakobau School (ACS) in uniform and their school cheerleadi­ng squad dancing


The Minister for Education Aseri Radrodro, is expected to receive the investigat­ion report of the viral music video by music production company, VTS1 this week.

The song titled ‘Buna’ which was released on the eve of the Coca-Cola Games a fortnight ago, received a lot of hateful comments and judgement from wider audience through Facebook.

The video showed girls who are students of Adi Cakobau School (ACS) in uniform and their school cheerleadi­ng squad dancing.

They were filmed at the school. The video and the use of the school, especially its sacred lawn, and the girls received outrageous comments from members of the public, parents and old scholars Mr Radrodro said the ministry had its policy, and it would ensure its compliance.

“The head of school of ACS has provided an explanatio­n to the PS’s office that there was a miscommuni­cation with the artist that recorded the music and video at ACS,” Mr Radrodro said.

“The education permanent secretary is yet to finalise the investigat­ion and submit a report to my office. At this stage, it is understood that some parental consent was provided, but those will be properly covered in the report.” Mr Radrodro reminded school heads and teachers to work together in managing schools and ensuring a safe environmen­t for students and teachers.

VT1S managing director Tix Korocowiri said they had sought approval from the principal of ACS and parents too. He said due to much hateful responses they had to take down the video due attacks were towards the singer by Wedger.

 ?? Minister for Education Aseri Radrodro. ??
Minister for Education Aseri Radrodro.

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