Fiji Sun

Lawyer questions Daniels’ account of sex with Trump

- - Reuters

York: Donald Trump’s lawyer sought to show inconsiste­ncies in porn star Stormy Daniels’ various tellings of a 2006 sexual encounter she has said she had with Trump, part of an effort on Thursday to undermine her credibilit­y as a witness in the first criminal trial of a sitting of former U.S. president.

Her unflatteri­ng account of a sexual encounter with Trump in a Lake Tahoe hotel suite while he was married to his wife Melania riveted jurors on Tuesday and reminded U.S. voters of some of the more lurid aspects of his 2017-2021 presidency as he campaigns to win back the White House this year.

Facing questionin­g on Thursday by defence lawyer Susan Necheles in a Manhattan courtroom, Daniels stuck to her account.

“You’re trying to make me say that it changed, but it hasn’t changed,” Daniels told Necheles.

Trump, 77, has pleaded not guilty to 34 counts of falsifying business records to cover up his former lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen’s $130,000 payment to Daniels, 45, for her silence ahead of the 2016 U.S. presidenti­al election about the alleged encounter. Trump has denied ever having sex with Daniels.

Trump, the Republican candidate challengin­g Democratic President Joe Biden in the November 5 U.S. election, has called the trial a politicall­y motivated attempt to undermine his campaign.

Prosecutor­s have said Trump’s efforts to obscure the paper trail for the payment to Daniels corrupted the 2016 election in which he defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton by preventing voters from learning about a story that might have swayed their vote.

 ?? Photo: Reuters ?? Adult-film actress Stephanie Clifford, also known as Stormy Daniels.
Photo: Reuters Adult-film actress Stephanie Clifford, also known as Stormy Daniels.
 ?? Photo: Reuters ?? Former U.S. president Donald Trump.
Photo: Reuters Former U.S. president Donald Trump.

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