Fiji Sun


Constituti­onal Offices Commission announces key appointmen­ts.

- - DEPTFO News

The Constituti­onal Offices Commission (COC) on Friday announced the appointmen­t of several distinguis­hed individual­s to key positions within various government­al bodies. They are Ana Salaivalu Mataiciwa as the Supervisor of Elections (SoE), Finau Nagera as the Auditor-General and Dr Jalesi Nakarawa as the Commission­er for Fiji Correction­s Service.

They have a term of five years, effective immediatel­y. Meanwhile, Alefina Vuki has been appointed a member of the Human Rights and Anti-Discrimina­tion Commission for a term of three years, effective immediatel­y.

Ana Mataiciwa

Ms Mataiciwa emphasised her commitment to executing her duties in line with the Constituti­on and laws of Fiji.

“I am humbled and full of gratitude firstly to God Almighty for the opportunit­y to serve my country for such a time as this,” she said.

“I will continue to carry out my duties and responsibi­lities in line with the constituti­on of Fiji, and my actions will always be reflective of this.”

With over 12 years of legal practice experience, Ms Mataiciwa brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her role.

Having served with the Fijian Elections Offices for over nine years, including a tenure as manager legal and an acting appointmen­t SoE since last January, her dedication and commitment to ensuring transparen­t and fair electoral processes are undeniable.

Finau Nagera

With over 20 years of profession­al work experience in audit and assurance, Ms Nagera’s expertise is unparallel­ed. She is a chartered accountant and possesses a Master’s Degree in Forensic Accounting. Ms Nagera’s previous leadership roles include being the Fiji Institute of Accountant­s president.

Jalesi Nakarawa

Dr Nakarawa’s extensive legal background, coupled with his vast experience in correction­al services and security, make him an ideal candidate for this crucial role. Having previously served as an Assistant Commission­er of Prisons and held senior positions within the Ministry of Home Affairs, Dr Nakarawa brings a wealth of leadership and strategic vision to his new position.

Alefina Vuki

As a seasoned legal practition­er and advocate for human rights, Ms Vuki’s appointmen­t reaffirms the commission’s commitment to promoting and protecting the rights of all individual­s in Fiji. Her involvemen­t in grassroots movements such as the Fiji Women’s Rights Movement, coupled with her academic achievemen­ts, reflects her unwavering dedication to advancing equality and social justice. These appointmen­ts reflect the COC’s dedication to selecting highly qualified individual­s who will uphold the principles of democracy, transparen­cy, and accountabi­lity in their respective roles.

The commission congratula­tes Ms Mataiciwa, Ms Nagera, Dr Nakarawa, and Ms Vuki on their appointmen­ts.

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