Fiji Sun

Fiji Airports Plan Upgrades in all 15 airports

- WAISEA NASOKIA NADI Feedback: waiseanfij­

Fiji Airports has embarked on a capital expenditur­e plan focussing on upgrading the assets and infrastruc­ture in all its 15 airports.

The first phase of the modernisat­ion of the Nadi terminal project with an investment of FJ$ 130 million happened in 2014.

In continuati­on, the company’s focus over the next decade is the further developmen­t of existing infrastruc­ture in alignment with their 2018 to 2043 master plan, which is currently being updated, says Fiji Airports chief executive officer Mesake Nawari.

He added that right now they are catching up on work that were unable to do during the two years of the COVID pandemic.

“We’ve just set up our Project Management office,” Mr Nawari said.

He added elements of this plan include:

■Expa■sio■ of the departures lounge,

■Apro■ expansions,

■The expansion of departures lounge space;

■Baggage handling and arrivals facilities;

■New aerobridge­s,

■New fire trucks,

■New domestic airport in Nadi

■The relocation of the freight terminal and cargo complex to the northwest quadrant.

■The developmen­t of a transit hotel with retail and commercial spaces plus an accompanyi­ng car park.

“On our real estate plans, a masterplan will be developed this year for the Fiji Airports compound and the new town area plus Nausori Airport landside,” Mr Nawari said. The Nausori Internatio­nal Airport runway recently underwent an upgrade in 2021, costing FJ$64 million.

As a result of the revamp, the airport can now cater for full capacity B737 operations.

“Very briefly, the proposed upgrades to the Labasa Domestic Airport

foresee improvemen­ts to the airfield’s aviation facilities, such as a runway pavement upgrade, remote tower, and fire-fighting facilities with the World Bank Funding through the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Tourism & Civil Aviation,” he added.

The constructi­on of a new terminal building where the current terminal building is situated will start in the middle of this year.

“This should cater for the current capacity at least for the next 5-10 years while we work with the Government to secure land next to the airport that was identified by the World Bank to build a bigger terminal building and carpark.”

The World Bank is also funding the upgrade of Savusavu Airport, which will comprise a terminal upgrade, pavement civil design, pavement maintenanc­e, and refurbishm­ent.

World Bank is also funding the feasibilit­y study for a new airport closer to Savusavu.

Upgrade works in Taveuni happened early this year. Some work on the Rotuma and Lakeba runways will happen this year. Others will follow next year.

“A further focus on the outer island sites is to ensure they are resilient to the impacts of climate change, including sea level rise and unpredicta­ble weather conditions.”

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Nadi Internatio­nal Airport.

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