Fiji Sun

Fiji Airports Vuvale Look Ahead


The resilience and togetherne­ss as a vuvale has been a source of strength for the Fiji Airports over the past 25 years of operation.

Driven to serve, the multimilli­on dollar company has grown over the years.

During the company’s anniversar­y celebratio­n in Nadi, Fiji Airports chief executive officer Mesake Nawari said the company has come a long way.

“We are dedicated to improving our infrastruc­ture with emerging technology to continue enhancing the experience­s of our passengers and stakeholde­rs at the airports.”

Greener airports

As the internatio­nal aviation industry shifts towards a sustainabl­e future, Fiji Airports puts environmen­tally friendly operations at the forefront of its focus.

“We are aware that our global aviation industry is one of the greatest contributo­rs of greenhouse gas emissions and we are working on our strategies and actions including introducin­g renewable energy and electronic vehicles this year and more to follow in future years.”

Safety and security

Alongside their Bula customer service and environmen­tal initiative­s, they are also recognised for their diligent safety and security standards. “We are making major investment­s in our Aviation Rescue Fire Fighting Service, materialis­ing in three new Fire trucks, which will substantia­lly improve the level of safety and preparedne­ss in supporting aircraft operations at Nadi and Nausori Internatio­nal Airports. More is expected in the new year suitable for other airports.”

Air traffic management

In October 2022, Fiji Airports introduced surveillan­ce control using ADS-B technology in the Fiji domestic airspace, becoming the first country in the world to transition directly from procedural control to surveillan­ce control without the use of radar.

The upcoming projects in the Air Traffic Management side of the company include upgrades to the high-frequency radios, the Automatic Message Handling System (AMHS), the transition from aeronautic­al informatio­n services (AIS) to aeronautic­al informatio­n management (AIM), along the introducti­on of remote tower technology and system-wide informatio­n management (SWIM).

Fiji Airports recently announced its investment in of $13m in this area.

“This positions the company at the forefront of the airspace management sector, in terms of the capability to manage mixed airspaces, ease of useability, and the overall capability to improve the efficiency of Air Traffic Management.”

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 ?? Photo: Fiji Airports Limited ?? Fiji Airports Chief Executive Officer Mesake Nawari.
Photo: Fiji Airports Limited Fiji Airports Chief Executive Officer Mesake Nawari.
 ?? Nadi Airport. ??
Nadi Airport.

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