Fiji Sun

FijI Airports profitable history over time


Today, Fiji Airport’s total assets stand at $700m with revenue of more than $150m and profit after tax of around $60m revealed chief executive officer Mesake Nawari.

He said that in its first year of operation, on April 12, 1999, the company recorded a revenue of $26m and a profit of half a million dollars with assets totaling just under $100m.

The company started with 100 staff and now has 478 staff.

“Fiji Airport’s key focus is operating our 6 million square kilometres of airspace and 15 airports following Internatio­nal Civil Aviation Organisati­on (ICAO) standards and recommende­d practices,” said Mr Nawari.

Nadi Internatio­nal Airport welcomes 97 percent of internatio­nal travellers to Fiji, of which at least 80 percent are tourists.

The airport now handles more than two million passengers annually.

“The recent increase in air traffic over the last 24 months has highlighte­d our need for expansion, to meet the ever-increasing demand.

“Our airports are having to deal with capacity issues and aging infrastruc­ture that require replacemen­t if we are to keep up with the influx of arriving and transit passengers.

“As well as meeting forecasted growth in the coming years, the company is currently focusing on the revamp of its existing sites through a mix of short-term and long-term strategies and actions including investment in infrastruc­ture.”


Fiji Airports vuvale (family/community) including all our 15 airport stakeholde­rs and industry partners and communitie­s gathered to celebrate with a dinner at Sheraton Fiji Golf Resort on Denarau last Friday.

“We are here tonight because of the sacrifices made 25 years ago and the drive to keep Fiji Airports operationa­l from past and current staff, Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officers, the airlines, ground staff, regulator, traditiona­l owners of the land and communi

ties on whose shoulders we stand on today,” Mr Nawari said.

“All of you, your families, organisati­ons, and communitie­s have undoubtedl­y been integral to the company’s success!

As a wholly owned government commercial company, Fiji Airports has been diligently managing Fiji’s 15 airports – one owned by Fiji Airports, and 14 other airports are managed on behalf of the Government.

“We are also grateful to the government, our shareholde­r, for their assistance and support in helping us navigate the various stages in our business life cycle – the challenges and the opportunit­ies along the way.”

 ?? ?? Fiji Airports became a fully owned Government Commercial Company (GCC) that was establishe­d in April 1999.
Fiji Airports became a fully owned Government Commercial Company (GCC) that was establishe­d in April 1999.

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