Fiji Sun

First step away from the use of fossil fuel


The journey towards a 100 per cent zeroEMISSI­ON flEET HAS begun for a local tourism operator WITH THE OFfiCIAL LAUNCH OF ITS ELECtric tourist passenger vehicle.

This is a first of its kind for Rosie Holidays, in its 50 years of operation in Fiji.

The Rosie Travel Group had previously announced its plans to bring in Fiji’s first ever fully electric passenger vehicles as part of its contributi­on to the sustainabl­e transforma­tion of Fiji’s Tourism Industry.

Sustainabl­e tourism

Managing director Tony Whitton said this is the Group’s first step away from the use of fossil fuels. “Where we see even greater potential for aligning with the sustainabl­e developmen­t goals of Fiji’s Tourism Economy,” Mr Whitton said.

“This is a $1.0 million dollar investment with the initial purchase of three 7-Seater LDV MIFA 9 already very popular in Australia and New Zealand.

“An important part of our investment is the installati­on at our Rosie Transport Hub of Fiji’s first-ever Direct Current Solar Powered fastchargi­ng Stations.

“The LDV have a range of 400km and with our fast-charging stations, our EV’s can be charged to 80 per cent in 20 minutes.”

“The EV’s are manufactur­ed by MAXUS, a division of SAIC, the largest automobile manufactur­er in China. A Global Fortune 500 Company that have just announced a partnershi­p with IKEA to provide all their electric delivery vehicles across the globe.”

Reducing carbon footprint

Minister of Tourism and Civil Aviation Viliame Gavoka said the new electric vehicle fleet signified a shift towards greener tourism and reducing the carbon footprint.

“Rosie Holidays’ introducti­on of Fiji’s inaugural electric tourist passenger vehicles marks a crucial step towards sustainabl­e tourism,” Mr Gavoka said.

“This initiative underscore­s their commitment to environmen­tal stewardshi­p and responsibl­e business practices, deeply rooted in Fiji’s culture and natural heritage.”

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 ?? Photo: Rosie Holidays ?? Rosie Holiday Group launched its first electric vehicles.
Photo: Rosie Holidays Rosie Holiday Group launched its first electric vehicles.

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