Fiji Sun

Library a boost to residents


Residents at Koroipita settlement, outside Lautoka City will have soon have new library opened with Expedia later this year. This is made possible with the combined commitment of Charitable Model Towns Trust and the Rosie Holidays Group. During the Rosie Holidays Group 50th anniversar­y in Nadi, managing director Tony Whitton said, “Our company has built over 20 homes at the Koroipita settlement in Lautoka. This year we’ll be opening a new library with Expedia.”

He added that the work by their Foundation, Ahura Conservati­on continues to soar in collaborat­ion with the resource owners.

“We have a foundation that in the next five years, we’re following up on 100,000 trees on Malolo island.

Also, we have over five to six acres of reef coral forestatio­n and doing amazing things with our resource owners,” said Mr Whitton. Mr Whitton added that every business service they provide gave jobs to Fijians and improved their lives in combating poverty. Since 2006, their tourism partners from Australia, New Zealand, North America, the United Kingdom, Europe, and Asia have consistent­ly contribute­d to raising funds and providing active volunteers towards the developmen­t of Koroipita.

This contributi­on continues to make a vital difference in the community developmen­t of the people at Koroipita giving hope for a sustainabl­e future.

Apart from the constructi­on of homes, they have also been working on a range of projects designed to help develop the skills of the people of Koroipita through home craft teaching programmes to assist them earn an income. Koroipita is a special model township where Rosie Holidays in conjunctio­n with the Model Town Charitable Trust has assisted in the constructi­on of homes.

 ?? ?? Rose Whitton-Cavu, Founder Rose Whitton, Group managing director Tony Whitton and Brigid Whitton.
Rose Whitton-Cavu, Founder Rose Whitton, Group managing director Tony Whitton and Brigid Whitton.

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