Fiji Sun

Shania, a role model for students


Alittle bit of struggle in the sun has many more benefits than a white-collar job. That was the message from 20-year-old Shania Kumar to students who opted to pursue their dream in agricultur­e studies at the primary level.

Ms Kumar is a third-year Fiji National University FNU student at Koronivia studying Bachelor of Science in Agricultur­al Studies. She was educated at Namaka Public School and Sabeto College in Nadi. She works for Flame Tree Ltd in Nadi as a casual worker on Saturdays and Sundays.

Ms Kumar also has registered a small business called Plant Planet Nursery at Sabeto where she sells plants.

“The investment in my business was through the savings from my Toppers scholarshi­p allowance which I am grateful to the government as well,” she said.

“I provide service to two companies in Nadi in maintainin­g plants. They are Corner Cafe and DHL3. I make fortnightl­y visits to these two companies mostly on Friday.”

She said her inspiratio­n was from her father who was a staff at Tuners and Growers.

“My dad used to motivate me towards the agricultur­al sector. He knew the importance and demand of agricultur­al produce.

“As the saying goes ‘Behind every successful man, there is a woman,’ I believe that my dad is behind my success, and I am very much grateful to the Almighty God.

“My hard work is dedicated to my grandfathe­r who left us a year ago.”

Ms Kumar said her plans after studying were to extend her nursery and provided care and maintenanc­e services to more businesses. Her message to students is, “A little bit of struggle in the sun have many more benefits than a whitecolla­r job. Healthy living, less stress, more saving will lead to a happy life.”

She acknowledg­ed her former schoolteac­hers, her FNU lecturers, and Mike Watson of Flame Tree for contributi­ng to her success.

 ?? Fiji National University student Shania Kumar at her nursery in Nadi. ??
Fiji National University student Shania Kumar at her nursery in Nadi.

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