Fiji Sun

State Given More Time to Confirm PosItIon


The High Court in Lautoka has granted the State further time to confirm its position on the representa­tions made by the defence in the case of 26 accused persons charged with one count of sedition.

The accused persons are Pita Camaimoala, Mosese Tawake, Saimoni Nacolawa, Ilaitia Korolala, Jese Vatusumu, Penasio Manasa Luqa, Joseva Caucau, Isireli Serewai, Rokoua Duatini, Timoci Nacolatabi­sa, Qalitia Lomavatu Vakacegu, Inoke Navunilagi, Tomasi Madigibuli, Vosavosa Tunakoro, Maciu Uto, Vetaia Dale, Temesi Waqa, Sevanaia Qaranivalu, Apimeleki Wailomo, Josua Navaluvou, Marika Qalo, Manueli Nadakula, Tevita Damudamu, Sanaila Mariqama, Tomasi Kacanavatu, Navila Malumu and Peceli Nayadra.

It is alleged that the group had conducted military-style training in Tavua in 2015.

High Court Judge, Justice Samuela Qica presided over the matter; the accused were represente­d by Samuela Heritage of Iqbal Khan and Associates while the State was represente­d by Rukalesi Uce.

The court heard that the matter was for the State to confirm its position on the defence’s representa­tions to reduce the sentences for the group or totally withdraw their


Ms Uce told the court that upon consultati­ons with the acting Director of Public Prosecutio­ns John Rabuku, his instructio­ns were to seek another short mention date to confirm the same.

Mr Heritage told the court that the

defence did not have any objections to seeking further time, however the defence submitted its representa­tions to the State in February; Ms Uce confirmed the State received the same on February 1.

Justice Qica said he would give the State time to confirm its position on the respective applicatio­n as this was an old matter, however the matter needed some urgency.

The case has been adjourned to May 24 and bail extended for the accused persons.

 ?? Photo: Salote Qalubau ?? Sedition charged accused persons at the High Court in, Lautoka on April 19,2024.
Photo: Salote Qalubau Sedition charged accused persons at the High Court in, Lautoka on April 19,2024.

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